House 7x17 & Castle 3x18

Mar 22, 2011 02:24

I can't even.


Maybe House should've been called Prescription Passion. That is exactly what this show is turning into. Or maybe I just need to be really drunk or high to watch this show now.

I've had a long fuse with this show. I've tried to see the more positive aspects of this season despite all the complaining and negativity going around. I cannot do that anymore. I can't. This episode did it for me.

Sure, there were funny moments but it's starting to feel like it's all a gimmick to me. They have to insert these absurd things that House will pull because this is how he deals with (or not deals with) the breakup between him and Cuddy. I thought that was all last week with the self-indulgent luxury hotel and his own personal whorehouse and the non-epic cannonball jump into the pool. No. Now we have segways and monster trucks and fraudulent marriages. That's right up House's alley, right? Whatever.

I don't understand how any of this is groundbreaking. This just seems like the writers have gone off the deep end and want to do everything as ridiculous as possible. They'll chalk it up to House going over because he can't handle the pain of losing Cuddy. No, they took the easy way out and THIS is what we get? Maybe this is what we get because they chose the easy way, but I'd like to think that we deserve their best work, not this junk. I'm not saying that we as fans are entitled to all this, but since they're paid to produce seemingly awesome television to keep the ratings up and FOX/NBC happy, we'd get better product.

Unfortunately, it seems like a giant joke.

Perhaps I'm being too harsh and this is my knee-jerk reaction, but this episode did not do it for me. If Bombshells was bad, this was terrible. The way they depicted the women was such a turn off. I've let lots of other things slide, but I could not get behind this. While I understand why the women were acting the way they were, doesn't mean that I enjoyed watching it unfold.

Cuddy: she's feeling guilty. I get that. We got that last week. I was hopeful when that preview came out with House and Cuddy arguing again and Cuddy wasn't buying into his crap. But the SECOND House played on her guilt by emphasizing how hard it was for him to get off the segway and she CAVED, I was so angry. I wanted her to stand up to him and just watch him get off and drag it away. But no. Then she gets him a TV.

WILSON had to come in and tell her to give House a kick in the pants. WILSON. WHY DID WILSON HAVE TO DO THAT? I understand that sometimes we need friends to spell it out to us, but this was verging on pathetic. I mean there is no justification in giving into all of House's demands even if he's not harming anyone. That's just ridiculous. I think I'm just mad that Cuddy was willingly being a doormat.

Or maybe she thought that giving in was her way of not fighting back since that's what he wants and expects. At the same time though, she wasn't doing her job as his boss to manage him.

I do love that she finally did get some of her spine back after Wilson told her off. She kept telling House that all his wedding issues weren't his problem and she wanted the TV back. Great. But this is starting to feel like we've seen reruns of this. There is nothing NEW. So House and Cuddy are starting to get back to their former selves, remind me how that is exploring something new?

We could've had Cuddy stay with House and help him through his relapse. We could've had them hash out their differences and fears and get through it. FIGHT for it. Then we could've really gotten what we all expected from this relationship based off the last six seasons. No, we don't get any of that. They give up. They mope, they feel guilty, they indulge. Woo-freaking-hoo. Gamechanger, indeed.

Anyway. I loved Cuddy walking away from the wedding ceremony, then pausing to hear him say "Yep" and moving on. I thought she would've left the apartment, but she went to his room. I thought it was interesting she chose to go there instead of the hallway. So many memories. I LOVE Wilson coming in to sit beside her and tell her that they can escape through the window. Omg, Wilson and his windows. That's my OTP right there: Wilson/Windows. ;) He's being a good friend to both. He's telling them both of when they need it and he's being there for them when they need it. He must be having a field day with all this neediness. Maybe that is why he stepped back in Bombshells so he could be needed again. Scary and dark, but I could see that motive if he was feeling left out/jealous enough.

Masters: I don't know where to start with her. Other than she's not impressed with House's stunts and doesn't like him taking Vicodin in front of her. Then she sympathizes with a serial killer. Yeeeeaaaah.

Sidenote: That serial killer thing? CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. WTF. Maybe it's a good thing Chase didn't know that or else he would've killed him too? Too crude of a joke? Yeah, thought so. Maybe this killer comes back to kill off Masters? Nah, continuity? Never. And I wouldn't want Masters to die a grisly death like that. In fact, when she leaves the show, I don't want her to die because why do characters have to DIE when leaving? Seriously? Wasn't Kutner's suicide shocking enough? And Amber's heartbreaking enough? THERE ARE LESS GRUESOME WAYS FOR CHARACTERS TO LEAVE, YOU KNOW.

Dominika: (yes, that's the correct spelling according to the closed captioning) I felt for her the most. I don't even hate her. I CAN'T. She's tall, beautiful and innocent. I knew from the beginning, if House truly did go through with the wedding, that she would be the worst victim of them all. She doesn't know House's history, she doesn't know his baggage and she needs a green card. She'll be playing right into the game that House is trying to start with Cuddy and she'd be collateral damage.

Okay, granted, this is more of a business deal that she signed up for, but I was not happy with the way that House treated her at the end. He could've been a little kinder instead of an all out jerk. I felt like he was a jerk anyway. Coming from that angle, he doesn't have to be kind to her, she 'signed up for it' right? Still, there are better ways to treat human beings. I could almost see this on the verge of being an abusive relationship. Not physically abusive, because House hasn't shown tendencies to be that violent, but verbally. If he basically treats her like a slave, I will NOT like that nor stand for that. She agreed to be a free maid in return for a green card, but that doesn't mean she needs to be treated like trash. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that was the feeling I got at the end and I didn't like it one bit. Maybe this is also because of the recent Bones ep that had that human trafficking tie in that I'm more sensitive to that.

On the other hand, she does like him. I can see why she would. He's probably been nice to her before the wedding. It's just too bad she's caught up in this stupid game to get a reaction out of Cuddy. Neither women deserve that. It's low and uncalled for. It'd be different if this wasn't fraudulent and House and Cuddy had enough time to heal, but this? No.

Cuddy's little devious look when she said, "Yeah, normal." makes me think that she'll lash back pretty hard. And you know what, I could get behind that. But I bet I know what'll happen. House is already starting to show signs of guilt, especially at the end where he turned Dominika down and how he couldn't get a rise out of Cuddy with his antics. Cuddy will exact her revenge when he's low and everyone will hate her again. Yes, Cuddy probably shouldn't launch her diabolical plan, but she will after this whole marriage deal. I believe it.

Upon further examination aka rewatching the Cuddy/Wilson scene, maybe she doesn't look diabolical and scheming but longing? Idk. The first time I watched it, it definitely seemed like she might have something up her sleeve. Watching it a second time makes me think not? Thoughts, anyone?

I'm just wondering if the theme of this show isn't that Everybody Lies or House Will Always Be Miserable, but The Women Should Always Be Punished/Sacrificed On This Show. I hate that. This show would be so much better if they didn't do that to the women characters.

God, I hope 13's comeback is better than this ep. Although that jail scene in the promo does not give me high hopes. I was hoping she was off enjoying herself and getting help, not committing crimes and having House come find her. But I do hope she comments on the wedding ring and finds out about House/Cuddy and House/Dominika and gives him that kick in the pants that he's been ignoring from Wilson, while House tries to find out what she's been up to. I'd love for the ep to go that way. I wouldn't mind if the entire ep focused on House/13 at all. Like I said last week, I love their weird relationship. I don't ship them, but they do have a strange bond and yet she's still so mysterious.

Other things I liked:

-Taub as ring bearer.

-Dominika because she's like the Wallowski of the show. I can't hate either of them although I should on principle because of my ships. I just can't. I just hope she either stands up to House or leaves him soon. Or something. Seems like they've written themselves in a hole on this.

-Cuddy never objected. She walked away instead. I like that. It's almost a small passive-aggressive way of getting back to him. If he subconsciously wanted Cuddy to break this up (it kinda seemed like he did), she didn't do that and I'm SO happy. (selfishly, i kinda wanted this to happen because i've been scheming up some kind of fic in my head and he needs to be married)

-Chase as minister. OF COURSE THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOY WOULD LOL. His "They say true love doesn't exist anymore. Maybe it never did." LOL WTF. THANK YOU, CHASE, FOR INSERTING YOUR WISDOM.

-House watching Cuddy walk out of the room instead of at his bride when asked if he'd take Dominika as his wife. And thank GOD that they didn't show them kiss during the ceremony, instead we get Wilson walking away right afterwards and the new husband and wife hugging.

-Cuddy appalled at the toy helicopters potentially ruining the tour with those donors, but quickly thinking on her feet and getting them out of harms way. Love that House didn't seem amused at all. LOVE that.

Things that made me cringe:

-Wilson kicking Cuddy in the rear to get her to fight back.

-Seeing the ring on House's finger.

-Random serial killer plotline.

-Taub feeling insecure about why he wasn't invited to be part of the ceremony. I cheered for him when he said the team should boycott the wedding. They should have. I definitely wanted Taub to because even though he failed at his marriage and didn't keep his vows, he did love his wife. And I believe they had a happy time before he got bored with his life.\

-Foreman and Chase readily agreeing to this sham of a marriage. I lost a lot of respect for them there. Yes, it wasn't really serious, but really? To go along with it? Idk. Maybe because I hold marriage to a higher standard than merely a joke that I have an issue with that. It's more of a me problem, I suppose.

All in all, was not a big fan of this ep. Sure there were funny parts, but I wasn't so amused with the direction this is going. I saw no point to this ep other than to degrade women and potentially set up a serial killer plot. Like Cuddy said last season, "I'm done with the games. They're not fun anymore."

ETA: OMG. How could I forget to talk about Wilson/Cuddy. I could totally see them sleeping together just once. It'd be awkward but spontaneous. It almost seems like they're pushing this hahaha. They might as well, right? I mean how much more ridiculousness could they put in this show? Was this not indulgent enough? I mean there was a long MONSTER TRUCK scene for goodness sakes. Maybe adding the Wilson/Cuddy relationship would shake up the drama. Very groundbreaking and a big gamechanger. Oh yes. I guess it could put some nice friction between House and Wilson but at the expense of Cuddy? Hasn't she already suffered enough? Eh, at this point, I wouldn't put it past them to do that. Heck, maybe House/13 will hook up too. Or Wilson/13. Or Cuddy/13 just to shake it up a little (okay, that'd be really hot though).



Okay, the ONLY reason why I know that is because my grandma watches All My Children every day. My TiVo is set to record that every single day for her. I've watched a few eps with her and random snippets here and there because she watches it in my room because that's where the TiVo is. In fact, the TV in my room is basically her tv since she doesn't have one her room and I use the large TV out in the kitchen/family room. Anyway, my grandma is a huge fan and my dad is into soaps too hahahahahahaha. He said the guy who played Lance, that guy Martha had a crush on, was on another soap or TV show back in the day lol.

But you know what I loved the most about this? THEY MADE FUN OF THE FANS. I NEARLY DIED. ALMOST EVERY SHOW DOES THAT, BUT FEW SUCCEED. HOUSE FAILED MISERABLY. AND THEY EVEN DID IT TWICE (KNOWN UNKNOWNS AND THAT EP WITH THE BLOGGER). I've heard that Supernatural did it and it was successful. I saw most of that ep because my cousins are into that show and a random rerun was on so we watched most of it before we had to leave somewhere. It was pretty funny and I thought they did quite a good job making fun of the fans. Supernatural was more direct where they actually tackled the whole Sam/Dean incest deal. In Castle they used the soap opera excuse, but they still used the dreaded mashedupnames (CamFox, CamFonsos or Huddy, Caskett, Callian for House, Castle, Lie to Me, respectively) and they even defined what a SHIPPER is. DIED. I DIED GUYS. I WAS LOL'ING SO HARD.

We got more Martha! And how she was 'transparent' at being back on set. Then she hooked up with that guy! LOL.

And Castle actually called Beckett, Katherine! "Katherine Beckett, I never..." is what he says after she teases him about his "We should sleep on it" line.

Then we got the cutest little anecdote about Beckett and her secret love for Temptation Lane. And it's tied to her mom cuddling with her when she was nine after getting her tonsils taken out. Awww. Then Castle went and got her a signed cast photo. SERIOUSLY, HOW AWESOME IS THIS MAN? He is so thoughtful. And even if Josh's phone call disrupted the moment, it was adorable. Too bad Castle had to leave, but he did so gracefully.

Beckett seems to having HUGE doubts. Dude, girl, you had no problem dumping Demming quickly, you can dump Josh. You KNOW Castle isn't seeing anyone right now. And with the way he's been looking at you, he ain't gonna be seeing anyone soon. I have a big feeling that one of Ausiello's listed breakups will be Beckett/Josh. The other I'm obviously rooting for is House/Dominika, but I have low expectations for that.

Esplanie! LOL. OMG. DYYYYING WITH THAT NAME AND CASTLE'S EXPLANATION FOR THAT. Are the Esposito/Lanie fans really using that name? I avoid using those kind of names because they make me cringe, but apparently Esplanie is now canon thanks to Castle.

I wanted more Ryan but I think I'm just biased because I'm a huge Ryan fan. I hope we get to see Jenny soon and their wedding. I hope that's one of the weddings that's on the list too, but I've heard they won't get married this season? Also, when's Castle's movie going to come out? Next season? And his next book? Jeez lol.

Loved this ep. Loved all the soap stuff. Loved that there was even a P.I. involved with crazy storylines about faux mothers and cheating and plagiarism. And I just loved Castle and Beckett. They don't need to get together just yet. No. I'm fine with them still being partners and friends. They can grow and have their bond deepen some more before they get together. I can definitely trust the writers of this show to keep them in character and refreshing and INTERSTING with real obstacles to climb and conquer. Yes. I trust them completely. They won't butcher this pairing.


In other tv news, Chicago Code is finally getting more interesting. Or is it because House is becoming less so and CC is so good at filling in? Either way, I think it's finally picking up some speed. Still wish LTM was here though. I could use some Kelli Williams/Gillian Foster in my life right about now.

tv: castle, house: season 7, tv: house, flail flail flail to the nth degree

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