Musket in the Making: Three

Apr 18, 2010 01:43

So using two flex periods (worth fifteen to twenty minutes of work each) I finally took off all the excess wood around my template line!

Next week I won't have so much time so this week I really snatched any bit of afterschool time I had to go into the woodshop and do some small stuff.  Paid off.  By the time I got there and was ready to work, I had about fifteen minutes left before I should begin leaving so each time I only did a little but it still only took two sessions so I guess it's cool.  First round I took off excess wood on the end of the gun (the part that goes against your shoulder) and the second round I cut off all the wood under the gun that was used to help screw it to the plywood.

The dark lines going along the width you see under the guns are lines of unsmooth fail, but not too fail because I still didn't go over the line.


I didn't but I was cutting it close which is nerveracking when I have to sand it down later but OH WELL.

Another angle:

So the edges are still rough because I haven't sanded the edges down to the line yet but at least the excess wood is finally off and I can start seeing the shape!  Next week I can---do nothing, because it's show week and we'll have rehearsals everyday and shiiiit.

Well maybe I could take fifteen minutes of flex to sand...stuff.  Maybe. BLARGH.

Over and out.


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