Top 5 Winter Olympic couples. I found I like Mark Tutiert, who's had a rough run of a career as a speedskater, yet who managed to win gold. Whereas Sven Kramer tended to act like he was owed medals, Tutiert actually seemed overjoyed to win.
Him and his wife right after he won.
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I made it for ohnotheydidnt last night I think and I see its already going around, which I looove.
I am pretty much obsessed with Virtue & Moir right now. I made a little mini picspam at my LJ and more gifs!
LOL pimping out my own LJ:
I so need a new icon of these two. I'm trying to decide which picture to use.
PS: Mark Tutiert and his wife look super cute.
PPS: I feel bad for anyone who is brave? enough to date Virtue & Moir. Craziness.
He is, app, dating Jessica Dube, though. They seem to have a weird relationship though as he is barely with her and spends more time with Tessa. I wonder how she feels about their relationship. If I were her I don't think I'd even bother. But maybe they have an "open" relationship or something.
Yeah, I dont know whats up with Dube. App she was dating one of Scott's best friends (also her ice partner) and they broke up and now she's with Scott. It all seems really weird on all their parts. I really think they have some sort of open relationship and she's just along for the ride. I'd be really uncomfortable if I were Scott's serious gf with all the Tessa happenings in his world.
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