In Which Jamie is Still Pretty

Jan 12, 2010 17:35

Tagged by snowystingray
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1. I triple minored in college in English/geography/secondary ed.

2. I've had four years of Latin

3. I played rugby in highschool.

4. While I read a massive amount of books and watch a ton of movies, I'm pretty picky when it comes down to it.

5. I'm an accent whore, particularly British and Aussie.

6. I'm a Southerner, but because my mother was northern my accent is very generic and sounds rather bizarre when I use colloquialisms.

7. I like really terrible B movies, something cultivated from my Mystery Science Theater days.

Tagged zombre, gryffinclaw, oc_pixie, goodtimenation, silentwilight, coconutzo, snapdragon76

Jamie Bamber being GAW-geous as usual.

image Click to view

Sam gives another LULZ worthy interview. He's so painfully blunt that I find him hilarious.

jamie bamber, meme, sam worthington: his eyes are angry

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