Nick realizes something terrible has happened as Claudia doesn't exist now and some guy named Leek has taken over her place. The Institute is also now called ARC. No one believes Nick that there's a problem except Connor, because he's the only one not focused on his screwed up love life by this point.
But that's all put on hold because raptors are bowling in a mall. I'm serious.
Stephen wonders if his boss might not be so happy with him now that he's found out that he and Helen were screwing around on him. Nick points out that this might not be the time for a heart to Hart. Meanwhile, Connor goes slushie hunting and makes Abby pay for his nicked goods. She does, as they act like an old married couple. While getting his frozen goods, he nearly gets eaten by a raptor, but is more concerned about his brain freeze.
Side bar: For some reason, Andrew-Lee was strikingly good looking in the whole slushie scene (and this episode in general) from the point where he cheekily thanks Abby to having to run for it. Maybe it's the shorter hair. Maybe it's the lighting.
The gun jams when Nick tries to shoot it, leading Stephen to think Nick might be willing to let him get mauled by a raptor in revenge for sleeping with his wife. Nick assures him if that were the case, he'd take a more direct approach.
Elsewhere Connor gets to use a gun and it ends badly as he shoots Abby with a tranquilizer. He does get the baby raptor though, and rejoices with an adorable smile, then realizes he's sort of made a bosh of it.
The group realizes that there are more than two raptors out there and a knocked out Abby is in the path of one. There's a lot of chasing and running and people stealing dirt bikes, but eventually Connor (!) shoots the lose raptor and they load them all back to PORTAL LAND. Abby is none too happy about being shot and Connor tries to adorably apologize. Nick thinks he might be able to figure out how to tell where MYSTICAL PORTALS are going to open and brings Connor into his confidence (probably because Connor is the only one who believes him). Nick takes the dinosaurs back through, but considers staying before Stephen comes and gets him and gives him a "buck up soldier" speech, which is sort of rich coming from someone who just admitted to sleeping with your wife. The MYSTICAL PORTAL starts to close and Stephen ends up getting his leg chewed off by a raptor. Everyone seems to expect him to walk it off, as they stand staring at the MYSTICAL PORTAL instead of him.
Back at ARC the new PR agent shows up and she's Claudia, only not. Which is awkward for everyone.