In Which There are Many Co-Dependency Issues

Nov 24, 2009 22:51

Saw the New Moon. Sweet fancy Moses...

Talk about a step backward for women's independence. Bella exists for nothing other than to love Edward. When Edward leaves her, she ditches her friends and goes into a grand mal funk that needed some professional help. Her only outlet is leading on her one friend Jacob. She demands that he be around her all the time, but makes it clear that he's only second fiddle in her book. Meanwhile, she takes to trying to kill herself to get a hallucination of Edward to show up and mope in front of her. She gets a bit more interest in Jacob when she realizes he's a werewolf. But right when Jacob's gone all magical and stands a chance, Alice comes back to tell Bella that Edward is ALSO going to kill himself in the glitteriest, most emo way possible. So off Bella runs, leaving Jacob to explain to her dad why she needs an ankle monitor. She barely saves Edward from death by glitter, but then she has to face off with the vampire royalty who only let her go when she promises to become a vampire. And then everyone goes home to whine some more.

Bella is a miserable human. She has no value other than Edward. I found it particularly creepy that she cut herself out of pictures of her and Edward. She has no intrensic use other than to put Edward in danger. And while it might be somehow romantic to have a guy who can't go on without you, I would rather have a guy who has value and use outside of me and honestly COULD go on without me. I want a partnership, not an enslavement on either side.

Robert Pattinson's acting I didn't mind too much in the first movie, but in this one all he did was act like he had indegestion. He had no mode of speaking other than emo pained whisper. When he kisses Bella he looks like he might vomit. Stewart still can't act her way out of a paper sack. This leaves poor little Taylor Lautner with the task of trying valiantly to actually act. He's not terribly bad for a young thing and at least he has some emotion other than mope.

That all being said, I would have chosen Jacob hands down. Sure he's a boy in a lot of ways when the story starts, but he has the makings of a GOOD man. He's alpha, is willing to put himself at risk for those he cares about, and more importantly, he has value outside of Bella. When she finally kicks him to the curb, he doesn't go emo and try to kill himself in some fancy method, he mans up and moves on. You know, LIKE HEALTHY PEOPLE DO. Jacob's just a sweet guy, the boy next door who anyone would be lucky to get. He does the picking up of the pieces that Edward leaves behind and he does it rather graciously. What isn't to like about this guy? He's even a built in heater on a cold night, which is rather appealing. Sure there are some rage issues, but Edward has some killing you issues that he can't seem to get over. Better yet, Jacob tends to try to let Bella make up her mind on her own (probably a bad idea, considering it's Bella) rather than try to force her this way and that like Edward does. Apparently Bella wants a man who does the thinking for her though.

new moon: because life isn't fair

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