Nov 21, 2009 19:29
Need- Carrie Jones
Running out of supernatural creatures, this book draws on the old standby of werewolves and the rather odd choice of pixies. Not just any pixies, but blood thirsty killer pixies. Added to that is a sort of heroine who is a pacifist and has limited talent at saving her bacon though she is a bit more useful than a Bella and at least has the excuse of depression from her stepfather's death for some of her more irrational behavior. She falls for Nick, the unbelievably gorgeous dangerous loner model of the school. He, of course, he delighted by the attentions of an awkward, plain, depressed new girl. Because that's how high school works. Pretty soon pixies are kidnapping people, folks are transforming into animals, and Zara is being chased down by a pixie king. Better than Twilight, but just barely.
The James Joyce Murder- Amanda Cross
A good natured professor and a pack of friends wind up in the country doing some research on James Joyce only to end up with a nosy, unpleasant neighbor dead. Whether it was one of the house guests or one of the locals is a confusing matter than has everyone worried. The mystery has enough twist to it to actually keep me guessing until the end, which is very unusual for me. The only thing that really had me rather baffled is why the murder victim is so loathed by everyone. Yes, she was unpleasant and meddlesome, but no one seems to have an ounce of sympathy for her when she winds up dead.