Please Let There Be a Wilhelm Scream

Feb 08, 2009 16:44

Since YouTube has ripped down everything MST3K, I will no longer be titling posts with a quote. Curse you, YouTube.

In watching 10,000 B.C., I feel like I've seen the movie before. I don't mean literally seen it, I mean it's a bizarre combination of cliches from sword and sorcery movies and anything with a pyramid with it. I expected a Wilhelm scream at any second and I think I heard one when someone was crushed by a mammoth. Also I kept getting flashbacks to The Scorpion King, which is not something you want to have happen in your serious historical movie.

There are stampeding mammoths, uprising slave armies, a ziggurat or two is burned down, a white spear is chucked around, and every is very, VERY dirty. And a mammoth fulfills a prophecy. Don't ask.

Steven Strait doesn't do much for me. I almost feel guilty about it. He was out of the Covenant pack of actors, all who went on to bigger things except him. He's been in some bombs of movies. He was the fan choice for Jacob Black, but was beat out by a kid in high school. Shaking my head and saying "next!" seems to almost be adding insult to injury. At least his fiancee is pretty.



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