Ten Miles WRONG

Nov 03, 2008 16:13

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts. (let me specifically know if you want to participate)
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

princess_narnia chose a couple of my personal favorites.


This might be the most priceless expression Jensen Ackles has ever graced Supernatural with. I literally laughed out loud when he shrieked like a girl at the cat jumping on him.


Patrick Jane from The Mentalist. Simon Baker just has the sweetest face that just lights up when he's talking.


Castiel's notorious entrance. I have rarely seen a character have such a good entrance scene and also be so intriguing from the very beginning. The minute he just calmly walked through the exploding lights, you KNEW this was going to be an awesome season and the show has lived up to it. Misha had me from scene one.


First off, I love the lighting of this icon, but more to the point, I adore Arthur. He's a pure jackhole, but he has such a sweet, noble nature under it all, you can't help but like him no matter how hard you try not to. I give all credit to Bradley James for being a charming arse whose good nature just shines through. Also, Bradley James = handsome, handsome man.


Richard from Legend of the Seeker. Richard is a charming character and I love the show. I was impressed that he was naive and argumentative without being whiney or obnoxious. Craig Horner also has the biggest, sweetest smile I've ever seen. I don't know if it's an Australian actor thing or what, but I can often see pure joy in the smiles of a lot of Australian actors.


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