Sound bites- Ben, Georgie, Skandar, Anna, William, Peter Dinklidge, Warwick Davis, Director Guy
Director Guy: This is just a great moment, isn't it guys?
Anna: Drink me in, boys. Feast your eyes on my bodacious curves.
William: Is anyone else a little uncomfortable?
Georgie: I can't believe she wore red. She knows it clashes with my pink. And how did she get in between Ben and William? That's MY territory!
Ben: Skandar, could you please make sure that's Anna's hand on my bum?
Skandar: Is that a buffet line over there?
Anna: Notice that I'm no longer "Annie". I'm a WOMAN.
Peter Dinklidge: What is going ON over there?
Skandar: Oooo... I think they've got those little cream puff things.
Ben: Skandar, NOW!
Warwick Davis: Is something happening behind me?
Georgie: Well enjoy it while you can, Anna. He's all mine for the next movie.
Skandar: And I think they have fruit!
Ben: You are utterly useless.
Director Guy: You guys are the best.