HRG goes all badass and Sylar sweats...a lot. Like so much sweat. Like I think they just dunked Quinto in a pool and shoved him on camera type sweat.
Claire can't get on the cheerleading squad, which is bad because she told HRG that she already WAS and if he weren't torturing guy in the Ukraine, he'd be all over grounding her butt.
Sylar puts the sweaty moves on Maya. She fails to notice BOY HAS FANGS and is enamored with him. Alejandro dislikes Sylar, proving he's the smarter twin.
Meanwhile, HRG beats up a Russian guy to find out where Isaac's paintings are. Russian guy wants make HRG part of The Company again. HRG considers.
Mohinder is forced to inject Monica with an experimental form of the virus, but before he can, he goes all Bruce Banner and wrecks the office. He also sees a folder with the tantalizing name of "Adam Monroe" on it. Considering the sketchy spoilers I heard mention this name, I think the Insider might have actually been legit.
Claire and Peter Pan terrorize the bitchy cheerleader.
Sylar convinces Maya to use her Killing!Tar!Power to get past the border patrol. It is decided that Sylar doesn't really need this power.
Hiro breaks time by kissing Yaeko and Kensei sees them. Oh boy. I think the spoilers were accurate.
HRG sics the Haitian on the Russian guy then shoots the Russian guy in the head. Whoa, HRG.
Kensei betrays Hiro. And looks damn hot doing it. Gah, I love you David Anders. You are SO hot evil. With the stubble and the dimples and the cold expression... *drool*
The Company sics Nikki on Mohinder.
Isaac apparently couldn't paint ANYTHING straight forward. What sense is having a power if no one understands it?
Peter and Caitlin come to Montreal and Peter finds a note from Adam Monroe. I think that confirms that The Insider had completely legit information. Peter time travels in the future and finds New York evacuated.
Next Week:
We have a NEW Apocalypse, people.