i'm being schooled on global warming

Jan 05, 2007 22:12


Best Friends: meghan, larissa
lost any friends: most def
gained any friends: gained and lost

went out of the country: to canada for spring break
moved: to poplar
times went on a airplane: nope

have you changed: i believe it is impossible to not change but i don't feel very different
new look: i've been adopting a skater... look? I guess.
best time this year: the end of school beginning of summer

did you get heartbroken: i'd say so

favorite Season: spring... but this winter has been warm (because of global warming?)
least favorite season: fall
good birthday?: I remember going to Fridays and that being ok

got arrested: no
had a crush: sure
lost a family member: no
kept a secret: yes
told a secret: i'm sure
done something you totally regret: perhaps

In 2006 I . . .
[ ] broke a promise
[X] made a new friend
[ ] fell out of love
[X] lied
[ ] went behind my parents' backs
[X] cried over a broken heart
[ ] disappointed someone close
[ ] hid a secret (appropriately)
[X] pretended to be happy
[ ] kissed in the rain
[ ] kissed under the stars
[ ] kept my new years resolution
[ ] forgot my new years resolution
[X] met someone who changed my life
[ ] met one of my idols
[X] sat home all day doing nothing
[ ] pretended to be sick
[X] left the country
[ ] almost died
[ ] gave up something important to me
[ ] lost something expensive
[X] learned something new about myself
[X] tried something I normally wouldn't try and liked it
[X] made a change in my life
[X] found out who my true friends were
[X] met great people (some seemingly great)
[ ] stayed up til sunrise
[X] pigged out over the summer
[X] cried over the silliest thing
[ ] was never home on weekends
[ ] gotten into a car accident
[X] had friends who were drifting away from me
[ ] someone close to me die
[ ] had a high cell phone bill
[X] wasted money on food
[ ] had a fist fight
[ ] went to the beach
[ ] saw a celebrity
[X] got sick
[ ] liked more than 5 people at the same time
[X] became closer to a lot of people

That was pointless but this documentary is even more so... Al Gore is really boring. Like I didn't believe it but now I do. Its about global warming and Al Gore's life. If you really want to stop global warming go plant some trees. Honestly. They use up the CO2 that is causing the hole in the ozone. And maybe try to limit the emission of CO2. But the targets need to be like the big businesses not individuals. You can't just stop driving your car. Most of the world isn't set up that way. You'd spend your whole day walking to work or school.

America's Next Top Model is so addicting. I've been watching way too much of it lately. Its been on for the last few days.
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