I'm so unbelievably unhappy.
Abortion?:your views change when it hits close to home. Pro. Death Penalty?:food for thought: let's tell someone how wrong killing someone is by killing them. Prostitution?:promote love-- sponsor a prostitute. Alcohol?:get over it Marijuana?:ditto. Other drugs?:if you need to alter your mind set to have fun, and to entertain others, then you're just boring, and you totally suck. sober or stoned. Gay marriage?:what's the big deal? they're two people who want to get married. wow! Illegal immigrants?:it must be the adrenaline rush you get packed like sardines with your 54 closest relatives in the back of a truck. Smoking?:stupid. i love my cigarettes. Drunk driving?:obviously we need more telephone poles on the sides of the road. Cloning?:looking at some of the people i know, one of them is more than enough. Racism?:stupid. Premarital sex?:why is "marital sex" never an issue? I want to voice my opinion on that. Religion?:i'm going to write a book about my imaginary friend Jorge, and tell you all he's the messiah, then i'll tell you to worship and praise him. Wait, that sounds silly, doesn't it The war in Iraq?:way to go president! you almost make me wish i had voted for gore! Oh wait, I did. Bush?:giving him a country is like giving a child a puppy. seems like a cute idea.. until he forgets to feed the puppy, or kills it some other way. Downloading music?:you're a rock star. you're rich. get over it. we'll just keep doing it anyway. The legal drinking age?:what's the point? it's not like 12 year olds can't get it and drink it anyway. Porn?:to each his own. Suicide?:stupid, but sometimes i wish i had the balls to do it.
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