Jan 09, 2009 12:32
Welly welly well...it's 2009 and we didn't do a year in review post for 2008. That could be because, thankfully, the year wasn't too horrible to get through. It's not that a lot didn't happen (BARACK!) it's just the drive and desire to post to my LJ have waned in the dust-driven haze of everyone being connected all the time online. It's none of your freakin' business, whoever you are. Maybe it's all the weed I've ingested that's made me more paranoid, I just don't want strangers and random oocytes piling on to this page.
I don't feel any intense emotion like I did before. C and I were talking, and we came to the conclusion that everyone needs to live through High School because the suffering and emotional times are just too ripe to miss. However, if I could, I think I would re-do High School knowing what I know now about drugs, people, and fear.
Speaking of feelings, I almost cried the day my nephew was born, but I didn't have PMS and my meds must have been working and planets were aligned in such a way that I was able to be around this miracle of life without crying and sobbing like some depressed over-emotional fuckface. GO ME!
Li'l Gil: Born Dec. 15, 2008. 7lbs 13oz, 21inches long.
I haven't seen Lil Gil in a few weeks since I've been sick with the phlegm and the mucus. I hear he's gotten squirmy and strong. I'd post some pics but I don't want my baby to be exposed to the whole internet. Maybe I'll do a friends-only post with some pixxxx.
ANyway, 2009 is the Year of the Dugong. Dugongathon 2009.
I am at work and I just did a shitload of knitting books on cd. How...thrilling. I think I'm going to go home for lunch since I couldn't find any of the soups that go with you to work.
Oh! I also started a TWITTER account. Look me up. I am CrumblyFish. I have no friends there. You could be so much happier being my friend on Twitter. Yea right, I"m going to forget about Twitter in a few weeks, just like I always do with OKCupid.
Maybe if the urge to journal hits me later I'll do a 2008 recap or something. At least one good thing to note: 2008 was totally COP-FREE! No run-ins with the fuzz at all! That's amazing to me!
I think I'm going to go put on the new radio104 online so I have some tunes to work to. Internet radio is so cool. Totally. I want a new mp3 player so bad. I think I'm going to go with the Sansa Fuze 8gb. I have $30 off at WallyWorld, so it would be a good deal.
Anyway, a library board member is here right now, so I'm going to bid farewell to LJ until next month probably. Until then, dugong dugong!