Cum On Feel The Noize

Oct 20, 2008 13:08

It's been a long while, LJ. TWELVE weeks. Thought I forgot about you? No, I agonized over you for days. I often think about you and your current barrenness. Did I spell that right? Fuck it if I didn't. It's a BLOG THANG, got it?

Not much has been happening, seriously. I go back and forth between the happiness and the glÜm of depression and anxiety, but those two fuckers have yet to get me. Though they are constantly in my periphery, I have managed to avoid being totally overtaken by the slave world of mental illness.

I still have a job, and I'm very thankful for that in this economy. I plan on voting for YOMAMA, I mean OBAMA, and TWO fucking times I have ran over a McPain/Palin sign on my road. Those fuckers don't belong up NORTH here. This is sacred land of openness and freedom, and people who don't ditch their first wives when they get crippled in an auto accident.

I hate vampires, so I'm sad that Alan Ball is doing a series about vampires. If it was about VANPIRES, then we are sizzling. I hate love stories too, essentially. Unless someone looses an eye or lots of teeth in the story through unbalanced madness and agression and violence. That's what comes to mind when I think of love. That's normal, eh Gee?

ELECTRIC SIX released Flashy! tomorrow which I will drive to Warwick to buy, as Newbury Comics is the ONLY place 'round these parts to sell new E6 records. You can find Fire in chain stores, but that is just the beginning of E6. They are SO MUCH MORE THAN "GAY BAR."

FUCKYOU people who go to E6 shows JUST to hear "Gay Bar" and "Danger! High VOltage." I spit on you and your graves. And that's ME who is stomping on your feet and jamming my elbows into your sides at the E6 shows. Beware. And if I have a few $8 Mojitos and a couple of BEERZ, you better doubly watch out for my elbows of fury.

I didn't have anything in mind to journal about, just wanted to resusitate this LJ from the brink of being abandoned. See, they didn't sign a DNR form, so I have to keep the LJ alive.

Why am I always falling for a Capricorn? I've dated 2, and it didn't work out, but it wasn't because of the Capricornness, I don't think. It was because One Guy had a job at McDonald's, and it is unconscienable to sleep or get touchy feely with a dude who flips burgers, and the Second Capricorn was a poor fellow whose Mother raped him of a life. The dude was 25 and NEVER had a job. How sad. I wish I stayed friends with Mike, though. He was my best friend for a while, and I miss having more friends. Maybe I'll email him. I've been wanting to reconnect with people I've cut off ties with. Am I going to die? WHy do I have this powerful urge?

Hung out with Steph and Kevin yesterday. That was awesome. I tried hydroponic weed, and I must say it was highly enjoyable. What weed isn't? Unles it's that creeper shit taht shows up while you're driving back home and your mom is all like "You're stoned!" and then you are all like "Duh, biotch."

Anyway mens and ladies, I do have a job to get back to. I was hard working, now hardly working, now back to work. Until next time,

VOTE FOR OBAMA, PLEEEEEEEAAASE. Or Ralph Nader. I voted for the bloke in 2004 because someting about Kerry always rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was his politician chin and shoulders. Robot man. Tinker with his soul, robot man. Man and wife. Free to wed.
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