Lost Post from a few weeks ago

Nov 12, 2007 12:45

Duuuuuuuuuudes. I got back from OFFICECON 2007 last night, and it was awwwwwwwesome. Granted we didn't get up close and personal with very many stars, but we did get to meet and get autographs from Stanley (Leslie David Baker) and Darryl (Craig Robinson). It was wicked cool.

It rained like a bitch all day Saturday, so we didn't really get to see any of the live bands performing. But that's ok, we just wanted Scranton Swag and Office memorabilia.

We went swimming everyday, found a terrific diner to eat at (the Viewmont Diner on Business Route 6 aka Scranton-Carbondale Expressway) that we almost got kicked out of for saying "POTATAH!" loudly- once. The lady was just a bitch; you could tell she was pissed that we were giggling and having a good time while she had to work all night.

Woa, I started writing the above entry like over a week ago. I'll post it, then start over.
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