Twisted, Stoned, Ripped...Good People

May 19, 2007 14:22

I started IOP on Thursday. At least I knew someone I was on the 4th floor with last month. That was kind of cool. They're going to be changing my medications soon, so I'll have to go on what I'm calling "substance hiatus." It'll be rough, but not as "rough" as that bus fart in Salem last year.

The doctors think my dad has sleep apnea, so he has to go for a sleep study sometime. I remember the Janator did that, but God Bless America, her insurance was discontinued before she could get the results and treatment.

I have to post a pic of my awesome hair on here. For some reason there's an "Error On Page" for uploading at Photobucket, so I'll have to use my own computer later.

I really wish Macintosh computers were affordable to the ordinary citizen. Though my interaction with Macs is limited, they're the finest machines I've ever dealt with. Dream Machines, if you will.

Right now I'm just waiting for Chester to come over. We're going to drive around for a while. Even though gas is expensive what the hell else are we going to do? Sit in my basement and play Katamari? Yes, but that's for later! WHen the sun goes down.

All I ate today was strawberries, and puked those out after Curves. I better go get something to eat.
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