The decision has been made to take the remains of the caravan to the capital. A night of rest and the ministrations of the cleric put everyone to full health. A couple of hours in the morning and a casting of shape wood gets the wagon working and loaded. The caravan sets out at noon with the three surviving caravaneers handling the wagons. The
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The one on the hill is lamia #2, and the armored one is #3
Once again:
Oulah 29
Armored Lamia 23
Ana 23
Verealing 21
Alythana 17
Zaneak 17
Osilgard 12
Unarmored Lamia 9
Oulah dodges back out of range of the lamia, and launches a volley of arrows.
The first and second arrows cut into the creature's hip and belly, while the final arrow sends the monster crashing to the ground. Oulah's wolf darts down the hill toward Osilgard, positioning itself behind the armored Lamia.
The armored Lamia spits a short phrase and casts "Chaos Hammer" at the lead wagon. Luca, Oulah, Ana, Therkahn, Zaneak, and Verealing are in the area of effect, as are Osilgard's donkey, Verealing's pony, and the aurock pulling the lead wagon.
Oulah and Ana are uneffected, while the rest are wounded by the scattered pattern of scintilating rays. Luca is tossed out of the wagon and ends up sprawled limply on the ground. Zaneak takes 5 damage, Verealing takes 2, and none of the animals is dropped despite all of them failing their saving throws.
Ana Closes Oulah's wounds.
Verealing launches a volley of arrows as well, and is horrified to watch every shot strike the heavy overlapped chains of its armor and deflect away.
Alythana moves up and calls a bolt of lightning from the sky at lamia #2 It tries to avoid the hit, but only manages to lessen the damage of the strike.
The newly summoned Dire Wolf charges towards the Armored lamia. Its teeth sink into the lamia's flank, drawing blood. Therkahn follows the larger wolf but is unable to pierce the creature's armor.
Zaneak sends a series of glittering lights to slam into the armored Lamia, stumbling it for a moment but leaving it standing.
Osilgard wheels about and charges the Armored Lamia again. His strike fails to defeat the lamia's armor as he rides by, and ends up in front of Ana.
Lamia #1 is down. Lamia #2 Fires a pair of arrows at Osilgard. The first catches a chink in his armor and punctures through for 17 damage. The second glances off of his helm, dealing no damage.
Calvin and Burt are still watching for attacks from other sides.
Please post another round of attacks. The Dire wolf and Therkahn are in melee range with the armored lamia, while Oulah's wolf has taken the space Osilgard previously occupied. Osilgard has takes the space of the fallen lamia. Alythana has moved up to the second wagon. (If you move again next turn, you will be able to see all of the lamia.) Luca is down beside the first wagon.
Osilgard will approach the nearest lamia, still riding, and engage again. Crusader rears up and attempts his standard action attack, followed by a high arcing strike from Fury as the mount lands (I just don't learn).
(In case I need a ride check: 11 [roll] + 9 [ride skill] = 20)
Crusader hoof: 4 (roll) + 6 (natural att) = 10 to hit
Longsword: 9 (roll) + 13 (prayer, base attack, magic weapon, strength) = 22 total to hit
(I suppose, on the off chance I hit, 1d8 + 1d6 + bonuses = 7 + 5 [+4 str, +1 prayer] = 12 damage)
Silly me, and to think I was supposed to be rolling a d20 for my attack rolls.
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