
Jul 05, 2005 18:09

A minor personal revelation today: my two favourite chocolate bars are Picnic and Topic. They both end in 'ic'. I'm choosing to read a hell of a lot of meaning into this.

So, Topic. Not the most obvious name for a chocolate bar, one might say. The word topic, of course means subject matter. \What does this have to do with hazelnut, caramel and chocolate? Absolutely nothing. Why would a marketing department choose such an arbitrary name for a chocolate bar? This insigificant question grew and grew inside me, swiftly reaching fever pitch. I had already asked a bunch of friends + random people and no-one could help me. So I emailed Mars.
"I have a burning question that requires satisfaction. Why is a topic bar called a topic bar? Please could you either answer this question or direct me to someone who knows? ( a general help email address)

It might help to consider the question for a moment. A topic is basically a hazelnut snickers, right? And don’t try and give me the old cop-out answer ‘why is a mars called a mars’ or ‘why is a snickers called a snickers’ because that’s not the question at hand here."

And I actually received a reply to this, the very next day! Here is the reply in full:

"Thank you for you recent e-mail regarding Topic.
As we are a privately owned company, and due to competitive reasons we do not divulge information such as marketing information on specific brands.
However, Topic was launched in 1962 with the slogan "The Topic on everyone's lips".
Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Catherine Millett
Consumer Care Advisor"

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