its the little things that make me happy

Jul 23, 2007 15:19

First off: Happy Bithday Dan Radcliffe! 18th! wooo

I'm having a random day, I feel like crap but its been good...... but first.....
I was up until about 1am sunday morning I guess reading Harry Potter, as I couldnt sleep anyhow. Then woke up late so had to rush to get to church and I was 20 mintues late anyhow. Then after dashing around gettign stuff sorted we (me Vicky and her mum) went tto set up for this teddy bears pinic on the Nothe. it was a brilliant afternoon, so hot considering that crap and cold hte day before we could not have had a nicer day. I helped with the teddy bear hunt and just hung out with the en'masse genges including Dan and his sisters family who were down. Hehe. 
Then after we had packed away we went back to VicDans for a BBQ which was lovely. Tho Vicky felt like crap so I was jsut being as useful to her as I could be. Vickys Other sister adn husband were home from Russia too so it was nice catching up with them. So good fun. 
Then came home earlyish to see my Parents and read bit more harry potter! hehe

Ok quick under cut question, is it worrying that I still have feelings for Andrew because his parents are so lovely and I'd love to be their daughter in law? It would totally work! I cant help myself. Of course Andrew is still cute and I do still like him tho Ive not seen him for ages!

So the quick fab things....

1. Ryan Adams is touring in November and the lovely
imogen_star_dom said I could come watch him with her and see manchester! Ryan and Clare WOOOO 
2. Was very stressed before I just went out, I got a letter from Granny/tax people saying we hadn't sorted out the tax from april til a month ago...anyhow long story short I just phoned them, they were lovely after my garbled rant/explenation and sorted out so none of us has to pay tax for that period! wooo
3. I've got ribbon for camp and found glow in the dark fabric paint! hehe 
4. I bought sherbet fountain so I'm off to make specail Milkshake for the bargin price of about 30p!

Ok so I have a lot to do before camp but I'm so curling up with Harry and milkshake in a while! Cant believe most of u have read it! I read so damn slow!

clare, weekends, genges, ryan adams

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