its not from want of trying

Jul 10, 2007 20:04

Hum I promised a better update....not sure Im in the mood. Not really in the mood for anything....

Had a majorly busy day on Sunday, Went to church and then sealife center with church people, Vicky and Daniel and Becky and her girles. Was really lovely. Really sunny and warm. Spent most of the time chatting and mucking about in the water pool and splash area! After we went back to VicDans and played on their new Wii! so fun! hehe. Then me Vicky and Jess went to this boat that was in Portland harbour. Its a boat that travels around the world preaching the word of God and helpign out countries and stuff. We went up for the eveing servicey thing. Was good had a bit of a sing but then it went all preachy getting the mission out ther but not stories from what the people had been on the boat had done just random stuff! Weird. Anyhow. Me and Jess then spent 2 hours sittin in vickys car as vicky had gone to this thank u thing as she had helped out getting people to churches and stuff. Was kinda interesting tho. I like having random chats with Jess! Finally tho at about half 10 we got to maccy d's for tea! And they didnt have burgers! Had to have a chicken burger instead which was really yummy so I didnt mind. Tho I could have eaten anything by then I was starved!

Yesterday I spent with Chloe, Beckys 2 almost 3 year old. She was so good for me! Considering what a pain shes being at the mo. but then I spoilt her rotten, took her to the park and beach and got her an icecream. I did take her shoe shopping tho got some nice sandles!

I was knackered after brownies then popping into town to meet the guides!

And now Ive done nothing today apart from watched Home at the end of he world, and read a load of slash.....making me want to write but the plot bunny would play along but only for a couple of lines! GRRRHHH. I have to say Im kinda of a bit into Wincest at the mo. Which is the two guys from Supernatrual if u dont no. Very dodgy but hey its sexy!

Oh and I never made it to the dentist, I woke up late, and I have the start of a sore throat! grhh. Think I'm off for a bath now! And hope the bunnies come back! Tomorrow I'm sortng out holiday with Michelle ! YYYAAAAYY

slash, weekends, ill, church

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