
Jun 26, 2007 14:41

Some questions I thought I would answer..

What is your favorite word?
damnit or Yesindoddle

What turns you on?
smiles and someone being nice to me! and pRon

What turns you off?

Which actor/actress would play you in a biopic of your life?
Linsey Lohan..... haha

What is your favorite curse word?

What sound or noise do you love?
the sounds of Ryan adams. and someone agreeing with me. hehe

What sound or noise do you hate?
the word no. and birds outside my window at 5 in hte morning!

What do you want to do when you "grow up"?
Seriously want to be a writer or an editor (film) or Ryan Adams muse maybe? or Elijah Woods PA?

What profession would you not like to do?
Well I dont want to look after kids again, or catering, and I really dont want to be a doctor. haha

What's your desert Island Disc?
right now Gold by Ryan adams....or chalk mark in a rain storm joni mitchell

Which five people, living or dead, would you invite to a dinner party?
Ryan adams, Elijah Wood, Dom monaghann, John Lennon and Clare to stop me going mad!

Which five people, living or dead, would you never invite to a dinner party?
Hannibul Lector? er I dont no! Bad people and caniballs!

If Heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
Welcome to Heaven Lizy Ure a bit early arent u?

I've got to go help mum now. Boooooo. But then off to see Fantastic four! wooo.


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