Sometimes paranoia is perfectly justified

Jun 14, 2007 16:56

First off. burrhhh Im cold! What happened to summer?

Anyhow, I F*cking hate my class, and so glad I can put them behind me. I can now tell they joke behind my back. Like why they put stuff about me on their lists of what they are going to miss from college, basically laughing at lizzie! OMFG. anyhow, I have purged them from my life...well from msn and my myspace. And I only have to see (some of) them next tuesday and the following monday for our exams, thought we are meant to come in next thursday to say bye to people and stuff but I might say to Justin that I cant/dont want to and to it on monday instead! I dont need to see those idiots again. I wish we could have been friends.....

And another moan, I have to haul my ass back into town tongiht for youth group, we were going for a walk from church, I wasnt to keen but ok it cold have been ok and we were getting fish and chips. But now I have to get myself to town! Cause its wet and cold! Grrhhh. and i have to go cause I dont think the other leader chris is going. and its jess's birthday (yeah its this week not last doh!) So I want ot see her. BUt Im soooooooo tired! I knew getting up and going for a swim this morning was a bad idea!

And clares jsut told me she cant come to the end of hte road fest! *cries*

Muh I hate life right now. *cries*  im going ot find some good slash to read before I have to leave.....

Sorry Ive not had a good moan for ages! Feel a little better now!

college, muh

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