The bug

May 30, 2007 13:32

Whats up with us all? I totally think we should all have the week off cause its in theroy half term this week, I think everyone should have this week off! *huggles flist* Hope u all feel less crap and ure lifes all take a turn for hte better

I've not been here for ever! So sorry to anyones messages I've missed. See last wednesday if u recall I was poorly... Thursday I kinda felt worse as I came down with a cold but dragged myself to college to hand in the work I was meant to on wednesday. Had "the chat" with Juilan and he seems to think I did no work for our sci-fi which i did and its not all my fault any how... So feeling crap I kinda almost burst into tears at that so he jsut let me go. Then Justin gave me hte last little bit of work i needed to do to mark everything off. Woo. Friday I still felt pretty crap but I had to hand in my website work which I did, then watched so lost (wow... I think I have 1 then this weeks! cant wait.....and damn for jsut reading Immys I caught the first line and now its playing in my head! is it safe to read immy cause I didnt get past the dying bit please not charlie?  ekkk.) So anyway I then did my talk in key skills which means I now have one bit of written work to do for that then I'm done. Woo. 
I had a fab afternoon friday went to the sea life center with the little ones, was bril fun, but I had a really bad cold and it was intence hot so when we got back to beckys I kinda crashed! I did make it home tho and then kinda havent really been out of bed. I felt so ill at the weekend not helped by massive stomach cramps. But Ive watched: AngelA which was so beautiful and a great story (and worth a watch if u can cope with french films!) All about Eve which was fantstic (and in the 50 films to see before u die! hehe) Jackie Brown, very clever, tarintino (sp?) is pure genius of a director! er 2 seasons of friends (hehe) the first pirates (still my fave) and must of seen some others but can't think. So apart from the feeling like crap its been not to bad. I may have should of been in college yesterday but frankly I couldnt face it as Ive now pretty much doen my work I jst need to sort out the scifi and revise for film studies.

OK I'm tired again now. And keep getting spaced out when I sit at the computer and I need to put all the dvds/magaizines and clothes Ive scattered around my room! Being ill sucks!

Hope to catch up with u all soon! *huggles*

weekends, ill

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