*eats chocolate*

May 19, 2007 11:31

Howdy people, its saturday already! I never came back yesterday cause I went off to VicDans for a BBQ which was cool/nice Really wasn't in the mood but knew it would be good for me and I wanted to see Vicky and Dan! hehe.

Watched Imagne You and Me yesterday when I got home from college,

Such a sweet little film which made me squee quite a bit. Matt was so totally lovely *huggles him* very sweet and I totally cried for him when his girl went off wit hte other girl.... was kinda routing for him tho... maybe not the point of the film but never mind. It has all the tradditional bits of a love story but with 2 girls instead. so very predictable but oh so lovely and made me cry!

And I watched some more lost in between my two lessons.

Its gone good I think a bit hook intensive maybe? But has left sooooooo many questions! If their plane was found and they found all hte bodies Where are they? could it be hell? That has come up a few times. but then how can people be killed in it? Could it all be a dream? THat would be so funny even if it has been done before. But back to the smaller questions? Is Sun's baby going to live? I hope so... but is she going to be kidnapped? that also leads to what is hte main point of the "others" why are they are? Tho pretty sure it'll be a while before we find that out. Ohhh so many questions! hehe. I think I'm almost caught up now? I think there is one more then the one on tomorrow which I'll have to watch yay!

College is not to bad again now. loads of htem kept asking for my help on thursday it was weird! But I cant be bothered to fuss any more long as I get past hte next couple of weeks. I jstu need to sort out the Sci-fi then its hole plugging all the way baby! ek. and its liek a month left until the exams I think?

Today my parents are off for a board meeting/piss up for their company so I have hte house to myself. I'm still not up yet/in my pjs but after Talias talk about her run I think I'm going ot get up and tdo my excise video I ate sooooooo much crap yesterday! Tis afternoon I cant decide if I want to write, do some filming to make my new animation I want to make or storyboard it, or jsut crash infront of a dvd. James might come round but Ive not emailed him or anything yet. hehe. 
Ok have nice weekends people! xxxxx

lost, college, weekends, dvds

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