Tuesday - we have to go there...?

Apr 24, 2007 18:23

Well I'm feeling a little calmer bit less lke I could kill someone. Tho inside it still hurts. Haha. Brownies kinda mellowed me out last ngiht which was good. I maanged to have a good sort out of my Linklater essay/talk thing, and if I consentrate on it I may get it done tonight. Which means tomorrow I can write my script. then do the other sex discrimination report! fun. Man I'm so knackerd already. roll on a few weeks time. Didn't help I woke up at half one for about an hour and watched a load of lord of hte rings! lol random but I wasgetting college stressed!

Tody was retty pointless in going to college, Juilan wasnt there, he was doing work for college *blinks* so Justin kinda told us to get on with our work. Our little group had a bit of a meeting/panic that we had nothing filmed and its due next tuesday! ButAndy and Ryan went and filmed and I emailed for some actors. Yeah I gave in and did it myself. Seriously annoying. Tho its so late that I dought we'd get anyone. We are meant to film tomorrow, but I have no way of getting to Puddletown tomorrow! *screems* er anyway.... I then sat down with James and watched A Scanner darkly on our projector in our room! and noone came in! it was so weird! lol Was fun to see it on big screen again tho. I spentlunchtime wanderingaround with anna, which was cool. Then our afternoon lesson was so pointless, everyone jsut moaming at Justin that we wanted to go home. He did give me my marks, I've pretty much cleared this year, so after what I'm doing at hte moment I dont really thing I have much to make up which is brill! It was so silly he was telling me what my marks were but kept having to stop to tell people off we were so sapped I jsut sat there after not wanting to get up! lol. Hes cute and lovely but not that amazing a teacher... but I guess that comes with practise.

Anyhow. I guess I better get back to it so it gets done. and I really want to watch the King tonight Ive had it for a week on hire from amazon and I need to get another by the weekend! lol

Oh and I was planni out what Im going to do after college after what u said last night clare. Anna said shes going to start working for a bit so I might get to look after Milli one day a week, then i can do stuff for dad and I'll have my house to do bits on... that is for a couple of months before I find a job., like over summer.

I hope everyones tuesday is going ok? And whats happened to the weather? Ive been cold today!

college, summer, rant

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