Procrastination is my middle name

Mar 28, 2007 16:13

Meant to have been working hard all day so I could curl up with my book round about now but its really not happened like that. 
Yestrday was fun and kinda pointless, Juilan and Tim had gone to Bournemouth Uni for hte day (the uni our college works with) Tim had told us, Juilan hadn't. But we got some filming done for our Corprate, good thing too, its due tomorrow! I just hope Andy is interviewing peopl this afternoon. Ekk. I really dont feel like Ive done any work for it, mainly cause I did hte propsal and pre film work so I got that out hte way early, but now I kinda dont really no how to help but dont want it to be late! darn it. I dont do team work, esp when its with boys who have no time keeping/timeplanning skills! *rolls eyes*

Poor little Millilou was sick yesterday so me and Anna had to go get her at break. I jsut kinda left! Poor little girl didnt look well, but she seemed ok in the evening.

Poole was cool, Got a little bit of shopping in before meeting LIz/Madge Had to get Persuasion to read! hehe. Ive read it before but I couldnt remeber the story that well, but I found it in a cheep book shop for 1.99 so worth getting. I also got Happy Feet on DVD not really realising it was out! WOOOOO cant wait to watch it. Hopefully the girlies next week will watch it with me. Tha'll be quite cute, tho will turn it off before the scary people come! lol. I also got a couple note books! I was looking for one the other day for college and realised I have loads but they are either full of college work, or full of story writing or have bits of slash/fics in so I bought a couple strickly for college work and one for Butlins, for notes from the talks/bible studies, and jsut to write in ther. Although I will take another one to write in which I will hide! hehe.

Science of Sleep was fab, possibly my new fave film (not ever just like for now) it was so well put together, was very impressed with teh animation that was fantastic, and of course Gael was everyso cute, fell for him all over again. I jsut wanted to hug him most of the time, and u no what I'm like with guys like that! hehe. Bless. I really want to do some more animation now. I migh get together with friend from first year and do some over easter. That'll be cool.

Today Ive really not got much done apart from washing all my clothes ready for next week and helping dad out a bit. I've sent all my work to Andy to put together for corporate now I jsut need to write my skills audit, which I have no clue what to write, may jsut have to give in and email Justin in a sec seeing as everyone else I emailed (ok 2 people) about are ignoring me/busy. So I may jsut write my script for my Richard LInklater talk script. due in friday! hehe.

O gettingmy hair trimmed this afternoon, I'm torn, i do like it this length cause I can put it up and its good for doing side plaits at the mo, but part of me wants it cut back into a bob, Ive had it in a hat this afternoon cause it needs washing and Ive been helping dad and so Ive jsut had the short peices aroudn my face and I kinda like it and fancy a change.  Not sure Becky will cut it short like that again tho. she likes it long.

Started the House MD role Play yesterday, its so fun but I feel totally out my league, need to go do some medical reasearch, I'm being cameron, but have no clue as to any medical things, so I'm totally relying on the others and internet.

Right this is a looooong post! I better go! Sorry! hehe Hope u guys are all ok? *huggles*

shopping, films, college, day off

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