
Mar 17, 2007 11:19

Saturday woo. 
Had a good time after all that last ngiht. Was nice and relaxed, had such a laugh with Vicky, I think I was almost crying at one point, for no reason! I also think tha big glass of Vodka and orange I had before they got ther made it worse! haha. Anyhow there wasn't really any akwardness with John and the whole like, pairing thing, tho seriously watchig your 2 best mates play fighting and then not wanting to touch is kinda akward, but I love them so there u go. I'm used to them now! We played Mall madness after dinner, was pretty funny. Shopping is fun. Esp when u go to th men shop... wear u buy men.....ok u dont u buy a coat but its funny. 
I've been writing some more story this morning which is bad becase I have so much work to do for college but I cant get into the rigt frame of mind so Ive been trying otwrite my Note to self story. Now I no where it wants to go but I jsut seem to be struggling. Its going to be a bit jumpy I think. So sorry in advance. Heres todays bit:

"We got this new tutor today"
"Oh yeah? What happened so Miss watsit?"
"You know what she's like she was so stupid. Yeah, his name's Mr Fiction, but he tell's us straight off to call him Joe."
"Smart, what's he like this Joe?"
"Well he's like, like no one I've met before. He's worked in film. He's he's….Got the most amazing eyes… I mean seriously they are blue but a blue I've never seen before, like, bluer than blue, you know?"
"his eye's, your talking about his eyes?"
"What? If you saw him you'd know, you'd do the same."
"I can't believe you sometimes Elijah."
"You'll see."
"Will I now?"

Two weeks later and Elijah sat at his desk rubbing his fingers over the scars on his wrists, he knew that life was over. It had only been two weeks but he could already tell things were changing. On the surface school was still the same, classes were still easy, his class still ignored him or made unintelligent comments in his direction. But Elijah knew inside of himself he was changing. The fact that the scars were starting to heal and not still bleeding was a start.

As the door opened letting Joe in, Elijah sat up slightly. A smile crept over his face, and he pushed his dark fringe off his face. Joe smiled back, a smile just for Elijah, before he turned to the rest of the class, and Elijah fell that bit more.

"Class, today we need to have one to ones about your future chooses and so I can see how you're all doing. I'll call you up one at a time. "

The class gave a united cry of apprehension as Elijah's smile went that bit more.

"Now get on with your work and I'll call you up alphabetically.  Fred Adams please if you would?"

Elijah watched as Fred and Joe headed into the backroom that made for Joe's office and stationary cupboard. Getting out his note book Elijah knew he wouldn't be able to concentrate on work, but he scribbled away anyway his brain not watching what he was doing his head already in that office.

Half an hour later it was Elijah Corns turn. Apprehensively he made his way to the office.

"Hi Elijah, Please take a seat"

Nervously Elijah sat in the sofa chair that was facing Joe in the small room. There were stacks of paper piled up next to the sofa and boxes of various bits of stationary dotted around the room, making the small room even smaller. It would have felt cramped if it wasn't for the closeness that they now had to sit.

"So Elijah how's it going?"

Not knowing what to say Elijah nodded.

"It's ok mate, I'm not going to bite" Joe laughed which relaxed Elijah slightly.

"Ok I guess."

"I noticed that you don't really seem to get on with the rest of the class?"

Elijah shook his head. "No not really"

"I've heard about the past hum, year I guess. How are you doing now?"

Distractedly Elijah ran his fingers over his scars on his wrist, he didn't want to talk about it, especially with Joe, he wanted to forget all that, to concentrate on the future.

"Ok I guess. It seems better some how now" Elijah sent a look at Joe, who was smiling at him with a look of pure worry.

" Well if you need to talk I'm here. I don't want you to feel that pressure again ok?"

Nodding Elijah held Joe's eye before looking away. What was that, that spark between them. He's my Tutor! Stop it.

"Ok well, your studies don't seem to be suffering. I would think you can get through this year well. Just don't let the fuckers get to you ok Elijah?" Joe grinned at him and Elijah couldn't help breaking into a smile again. Joe turned back to his computer, knees touching for just a second, Elijah felt a shiver.

"So any idea what you want to do when you leave? You have good grades, good enough to go to uni."

The future was never really something Elijah liked to think about. In the past he'd never thought about it, it was something that happened to other people not him. But watching Joe and all he'd done somehow Elijah wanted these things too. He wanted a future. For now though he just shrugged, not sure what to say, if he could say anything at all.

"Well ok I guess you a have a bit of time but I suggest you find out a bit more ok?"

Elijah nodded.

"Ok well you can go, can you send in Tom please?" Elijah got up and made to leave but just as he reached for the door Joe stopped him with a hand on his back. "Remember Elijah, I'm here if you need me?"

Oh and I had these weird drems last ngiht. One I remeber me and Juilan were watching Spongebob and cuddling up together! Yummy.

slash, note to self; don't die

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