The Lizy Files - tuesday

Mar 13, 2007 17:46

I really miss having tuesday nights to myself. Not that I can't shut myself in my room, but I loved that I had the house to myself that one night a week. I still feel like I'm being watched even when parents are off around the house. And so I can't wait to move to my house. I'm getting seriously pissed that nothing is happening. This all came about because I really fancied coming home this afternoon and eating cupious abouts of chocolate, drinking loads of milkshake and watching Queer as Folk. But I jsut can't seem to bring myself to do this with my parents in the house. So I'm having moving out issues. I cant believe in the time Ive had my house Ash, youve moved what 3 times? My best mate has got married and moved house and er ok thats it.... but still its blinking annoying! 
Enough of the house rant, My exam was totally crap. It read it through and was really, I jsut can't be bothered. So I answered the first easy questions then made a few notes for the report before the time almost ran out and jsut gave up! haha. It really doesnt effect how I do I dont think. I felt like crap too. Headachy and sore throaty which couldn't have helped. I did get a couple of hugs off the lovely Mike before hand tho so that made me smile.
Oh and I gave another Spongebob dvd to Juilan this morning and he told me that he was getting our techy person to copy them!nooooo. hehe. Naughty boy. 
We had a quite interesting talk in film studies. Was quite random. I really wish I could sit down and have a proper chat with Tim one day, it might jsut go a bit weird. He completely slated Green Street. Ok so its not that amazing but I like it. And THink Elijah is pretty good in it. I guess I can see his point but I still think its a good film. And someone in the class said about Elijah, oh but hes so gay and camp, so I jsut go  but yeah so what? hehe. Apparently I like camp guys!   A bit on the femine side maybe. hum. 
What else? Ah yes anyone on celebdaq on the bbc website let me or Clare no and you can join our/her club thing. hehe
Hum sure I had other things to say but I cant think.....

house, exams

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