The Juilan Files - monday.

Mar 05, 2007 19:13

Yeah this is kinda turning into me going on about Juilan lj and its about to get worse. Thanks Clare and Anna for me going on but seriously I've got it bad. 
So it started this morning with me walking up the footpath to college with him. (he just got there as I did! weird!) We jsut chatted about work and I told him about friday. (more Juilan points! hehe) which frankly was a bit cute. Then Ive jsut seen him loads today, and he doesnt even teach me on mondays. He kept coming into our Animation lesson (well his class was meant to come in to but they buggered off to the other computer room.) And he said my animation was pretty good so far. Then he had his lesson in ther and he didn't tell us to leave (me and James and Merlin) Then this afternoon we were watching Blue Velvet (I'm starting to see what u see in Lynch films Talia! He rocks! so does that film!) anyway and he comes in to talk to our film studies tutor who happened to be sitting closeish to me. And he came in jsut in the sex scene! which on our copy kept jumping which jsut made it even funnier that he should come in then! I stayed until the end and tho it was long it didnt feel it! So when we left everyone else had gone but Juilan and Norman were jsut outside! So I said hello and goodbye to them, oh and told Juilan not to forget Erie indinana! Woo I do so lvoe that program I hope we get to watch some tomorrow! hehe.

So that was my Juilan day! I was talking to anna in my break and she said does he make me thump? if u've seen "Things to do in denver when ure dead" u'll understand that coment. And he seriously does. It hurts! So my day that could have been sucky wasnt so much. Oh and I swear one of hte guys in my class (with a couple other people) kinda complemented me in a round about way today. Stu goes to James "I hear u are/were going out with this girl, and she wasn't to bad looking either." Now not to sound to big headed, the class blantantly think somethign is going on with me and James (I think my above coments prove otherwise!) so did they mean me? so I'm good ish looking? Well I'm going to take it like that! Maybe Friday did me well. also I had good hair today! lol I curled it last night so it kinda looked sexy ruffled (well I thoguht so anyhow) oh and haha mum and Jess only jsut noticed I've got highlights! haha.

Anyhow. I might have to go watch TTDIDWYD now! hehe. Hope everyone is good? *huggles flist*

the j's

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