All my yesterdays and a bit of Femslash

Feb 24, 2007 12:32

Saturday roles around quick doesnt it? 
So my yesterday was good. I managed to sort out all my animation stuff so I can work on it monday at college. Tho it took blimin ages! And James didnt seem to botherd about not coming over. I then cooked this (even if I do say so my self) really yummy Fish pie followed by Chocolate pudding and custard! Was rather yummy! Watched WonderBoys, such a lovely film, and how cute a couple is Robert Downey Jr and Tobey Maguire? AWWWW so cute. Watched Ugly Betty too so funny! Still love the campasanything guy so sweet!

Ive been writing some femslash after my day on thursday and it reminded me of the femslash I wrote before so Ive been writing some more and thought I'd let u guys see the first bit.

Title: Looking as You Are. 1/?
Pairing: made up people Maggie and Brooke 
Rating: NC17? or PG (only hints at girlgirlaction this chapter)
Summary: Brooke is upset, ther is only one girl she wants to see but she could be the problem.
Disclamer: Hey I made these people up, they arent real, or tv/film real, thus I can do what I want with them! hehe
Authors Note: This isn't BETA'ed apart from wordspellcheck. It makes sense in my head.

She hadn’t been looking for Maggie when she left the flat. Her messy hair and jogging bottoms could vouch for that. But Maggie was the one she had found when she had, absentmindedly, headed across the campus quad. Thinking about it she did know that Maggie always did her washing Saturday morning. It was a sure thing that she would find Maggie in the washing room and her feet seemed to have taken her there.

Opening the door she snapped back to reality, realising where she was. Not sure Maggie was the right person to speak to right now she hesitated leaning against the door. But Maggie had obviously heard her because she opened the door just then.

“Brooke what a surprise.” Though Maggie’s voice clearly told that it wasn’t. Brooke stepped into the room taking a deep breath. Maggie caught her eye, bloodshot from crying.

“Hey what’s up Brooke? You look… upset?” The jokiness had gone from her voice now. Brooke took another breath, she wouldn’t cry again, not in front of Maggie.

Putting her arm gently around Brooke, Maggie lead her over to the settee that had, some time ago, been pushed into the wash room. Brooke let her, she gave into Maggie, she couldn’t help herself. Maggie had always been there for her, since the first day at college when Brooke had been lost and lonely. Maggie was special, she had the bubbly cheer of a cheerleader, but she was also kind, and thoughtful. Brooke had grown close to Maggie over the last few months but she hadn’t really thought how close until that morning. That morning it had all blown up in her face and who was the first person she went to see? Maggie of course.

“Want to talk about it?” Noticing Maggie had her in a full on hug now, Brooke breathed in the soapy smell of clean laundry and the smell of Maggie, that was part playdough (she was an animation student) part CKone, part home cooking. She shook her head and moved back sinking into the cushions. She knew she should talk about what had happened, why she was crying but she couldn’t tell Maggie right now so she brushed away the tears and shook her head.

“Well if you’re sure?” Maggie had this intense look, she was looking at Brooke like it now, like she could burn the answer out of her. Brooke looked away. “Ok well I won’t press you, you know I’m here if you need me.”

“That’s the problem Maggie, you’re here.” Brooke thought to herself. Not knowing what to do now she was here, Brooke sunk further into the settees soft pillows.

After a while Maggie, happy that Brooke wasn’t going to cry again any time soon, went back to taking her clothes out the washer and stuffing them into the dryer. It was very therapeutic watching such a repetitive movement that Brooke was soon lulled into sleep. She dreamt of the fight, of this morning, but this time her dream self had been rescued by Maggie on her motorbike. They took a long drive Brooke’s hair billowing out behind her as they glided along the Californian coast.

Just as they stopped and Maggie was leaning over to help Brooke off the motorbike Brooke jumped awake with a start, realising that the real Maggie was leaning over her. She blushed deeply the dream still holding on in her mind.

“Come on sleepyhead you’ve been asleep almost an hour and my washings done.” Maggie offered a hand and pulled Brooke up off the settee. “Hey wasn’t Brad meant to be coming in to town this weekend?” This snapped Brooke back to reality with a bump she could have done without. Nodding, the dream now a distant memory, Brooke picked up some of Maggie’s washing and headed to the door.

“What happened Riv? Surely this is a good thing, I thought you had been looking forward to this for weeks?” Brooke just shrugged and headed out the door, still not ready to tell Maggie what had happened.

“I guess he’s not coming now?” She said nonchalantly. They walked on towards Maggie’s flat in silence.

Once at the flat Brooke dumped the washing and was just turning to leave when Maggie grabbed her arm.

“Wait, how about then we go out tonight, nice meal, a bit of dancing? That might make you feel better?” The hand on Brooke’s arm was gripping hard and sending tingles up her arm. She stared at it thinking. After a minute she shrugged and nodded. “OK then, I’ll be at yours for 7?” Maggie said in her trying to be cheerful way. Brooke just nodded again and walked back to her flat.  
Going to go write some more now.

femslash, slash, dvds

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