Bring on the end of term!

Dec 12, 2006 10:09

Oh my I'm bored! I'm at college, but because Juilan is doing the interviews again today hes sent us to the compter room to do work! But frankly I jsut cant be bothered to do any more work this week! I'm leaving it all to next week and bliziting it.
Anyhow, yesterday. We watched Laybrinth n Justins lesson! Such a great great film! That was such a great lesson! hehe. Then I popped to VicDan's to pick up my stuff I left there last week. Oh and sat and read harry potter! hehe. Then I went to my interviewy thing. Juilan totally slated me about my drama, and asked what am I going to do after college, So I replied I have no idea cry maybe? Seriously it scares me so much I have no clue what I'm going to do once I finsh next year! I was tempted to say marry Justin and have his babys, but thought that might give our plan away a bit to much! hahah. The rest of it kinda went ok. I was just in a tired annoyed mood cause I ache. I pulled a musle in my shoudler yesterday mornign so that was kinda making me feel like crap! So what could have been fun was fairly crap. Oh well.
in hte afternoon we did a round up of what we've learnt about hte german and russian cinema, that was kinda fun, and I won friends with my brownies I made! hehe.
At Brownies we had our christmas thing, the brownies made some cookies which we then sold to the parents, and the guides did a singing and dance thing whihc was amazing! Us leaders did this head dance! which was pretty funny I tink!
Got my hair cut when we got home, (its so handy havign a hairdresser as a friend!) so I'm all trimmed again! hehe. Then me and mum colapsed in front of Harry POtter 3! teehee.
For some reason i woke up at 6 this morning! So Im rather tired! I was jsut mulling over very thing, so now my head hurts! I wish I had a pesive!
I am going to shut up now! Only an hour to go!


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