You can tell I'm addicted

Nov 28, 2006 18:01

You can tell I'm addicted to LJ because when I do stuff I think ..."O i cant wait to get home and write that up on my lj!" hehe Which I do.

First off big HUGS to clare! Your boss sucks and I do hope u manage to get out of there damn soon. GRRRHHHH

I've a kinda weird day, but full of nice perving goodness. Finished off our filming and got it all onto the harddrive for editing tomorrow, sucks having to go in on our study day but it needs to get done, oh and also we're aloud ot go sit in Justins lesson to get it done. We lovee him! Must remeber that site he said bugger....Yeah so I basically spent the day oggling Julian and Justin. Esp when we were hanging around in the computer room catpuring our film all afternoon (I swear I wasnt taking longer than I needed too.... ok maybe....) O and Toby, one of hte techy people who is very cool, said my duck animation was wicked! yay! So did Julian. I made them watch it! muahaha. They like hte music too which is cool. I did keep finding myself talking to Julian..... So yeah my obsession grows! Oh but Mollie I forgot the net....does low cut top and laughing lots work? ;-) 
Tonight me and mum are both home which makes a change so I'm off for Pizza and wine evening. SLightly worried I've not drank for ages!

Just cause Clare is havign a sucky day and T was yesterday, and my flist rock here is some more Cabin story!

It's hard to argue when
you won't stop making sense
But my tongue still misbehaves and it
keeps digging my own grave with my
Hands open, and my eyes open
I just keep hoping
That your heart opens

It’s confession time. Billy looks at Dom. He doesn’t know where to start. He needs to tell Dom the truth but all he does is talk round the subject. He wants Dom but he feels suffocated. Again he is going on about something, Dom is looking pretty pissed but still Billy can’t stop talking about anything other than the fact he needs space. He needs Dom to understand but he needs Dom to love him. In their Cabin they talk. Something feels different and slowly Dom seems to realize what’s happening. Billy stands in front of him trying to be completely honest.

Why would I sabotage
the best thing that I have
Well, it makes it easier to know
exactly what I want with my...
Hands open and my eyes open
I just keep hoping
that your heart opens

Billy needs Dom, Dom needs Billy, but there has to be space. The voices in Billy’s heart are telling him not to leave Dom. They are telling him not to give up on the thing that means most to him. But still Billy needs to hear Dom say those words, words that would stop him leaving, to shut Billy up and making him stay forever. Billy knows he can’t leave but something is calling him away from the suffocation he urns for. Dom is silent, he listens to what Billy is saying. Hoping its not true. Taking Billy’s hand he looks deep inside himself.

It's not as easy as willing it all to be right
Gotta be more than hoping it's right
I wanna hear you laugh like you really mean it
Collapse into me, tired with joy

Saying those words makes Billy sure. He needs to get out but still he loves Dom. The one he shares everything with. The one he loves more than himself more than those words. The memories that they shared here in the cabin circle around his head. He wants to stay, the thing that’s pulling him away stops. Willing himself to stay knowing this is where he belongs, he needs to be with Dom. Billy needs Dom to prove he needs him like their first trips together. Laugh Dom, I want to see that joy we bring each other. Before I have to leave.

Put Sufjan Stevens on
and we'll play your favorite song
"Chicago" bursts to life and your
sweet smile remembers you, my
Hands open, and my eyes open
I just keep hoping
That your heart opens

There is nothing left to say. Billy, if only for tonight, is staying. In silence he puts their song on. They watch each other, smiling. The tune plays softly over them as they remember the good times. What could be again Billy thinks trying not to think about what will happen. Fire crackles, though the nights are no longer as cold when they first started coming to the cabin. Billy pulls Dom close they smile, kiss and Billy breaths in that special cabin and Dom smell. In the morning he’ll be gone leaving his love and the cabin of memories.

monaboyd, college, the cabin

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