best shower ever and catch up!

Nov 12, 2007 19:28

Just had hte best shower ever. seriously. ok maybe not but it was damn fine! more on that later....

Wierd weekend. saturday we all had a bath. I had spent the day playing sill games on my computer and felt so gross. So I boiled up water in ever pan we have and the kettle and put it in the bath and wash my hair and cleaned myself! It was kinda fun... but I sure wouldnt like to have to do it all teh time. 
Spent sturday evening watching the Steven Poliacof (sp?) evening. Was very good. Didnt really like hte ending to the first one. The second one hour warm up for the thing tonight was fantastic and fasinating but cant deside if I want to watch it tongiht. And the Crocodile thing was very good but a little disconserting.

Sunday was church parade as it was rememberance sunday. really not my favourite day. bugs me but then everything to do with war does I wont even get started...not now... but I was really teary too because Im so hormonal! grh. But it wasnt to bad I guess.

Spent hte afternoon tidying the house. FUN!

Today I've not done much, packed sorted a load of stuff out.And been to BEckys for a haircut and chat before brownies. I miss her! Ive not had a chat to becky for ages!

And so Im home now and our boiler was all fit to go so I had the loveliest shower! The power on the upstairs water has been increased for some reason so it was like a power shower! and it was all hot and we have heating which is good because its 1 degree c outside! Tho currently Im way to hot!

Anyhow better go Im jsut waiting for my rice to cook! 
Not sure if I'll be around now until after my lovely trip to see the lovely Imy! Cant wait! I'm staying at cassa de VicDan tomorrow night so I can jsut get on the train in the morning (for my 9 hour jorney! Madness!) 
*huggles everyone*

boiler, weekends, telly

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