To London and Beond.

Oct 29, 2007 15:45

I've got a couple hours to kill, and I'm in london, obvious chose would be to go on LJ and write up what I've been up to right? hehe
Well it gets it out hte way and I cant be bothered to go do something cultural and I've spent weeellll to much money the last week so I might as well.

I can't reall be bothered to write it all out so here are a few highlights of my past week and a bit.

Didn't take long to get to uncles
Friday I went into Brighton,
then got text from Clare saying she was poorly (I hpe u feel better and I feel so bad u were poorly my lovely!)
Luckly Lottie was fine with me coming to stay so I went up to heres friday eve.
Saturday was the animation shorts that were mad, fun, weird and entertaining. Was great to see them with Talia and Kev, and had a nice chat, Talia it always makes me feel happy talking to u to cause ure in the business and understand what I mean! so thanks! hehe

In the evening was Funny Bones

TWell I think Talia has talked about this but it was really weird and scary but sucked u in so much that I couldnt help but watch. The guys really creeped me out while being completely calm. Naomi Watts was fantastic as ever, and really is quite small in real life...tho she was real far away! Was very excited to see her in real life, she has to be one of my fave actoresses. So worth going to see if it did make Lottie and I a little jumpy on the way home! hehe. Oh and I loved their kitchen! very odd that I even noticed it but its what I want for my kitchen!

Sunday was

which while quite long and slow (digging the 70's vibe) I did enjoy. They were all brilliant actors but for me casey affeck really stood out, now Talia and Lottie both said they didnt like him... I'm not sure I liked him...but he was good..well disturbing really. and made a very good part for himself. Plus I love Casey...he can do no wrong! Anyhow, fantastic film and one I might see again as I had a head infront of me for the most part. Doh.

and then once I had the most amazing burger ever with Talia and Lottie I went off to see...

Made by the Appleseed (that I loved) people its anime but with a cgi look. Its so amazing looking so was brilliant to see on a big screen and has music from Paul Oakenfold which really suits the film and sounds fantastic like that. I'm really glad I got to see it.

Then I went to my Uncle's. I spent most of the week walking hte dog, who was good most of the time but always looking for food or attention that I really cant deal with. really dont understand why people have dogs. They are cute but I seriously couldnt cope. He kinda smelt, and was at everything and I couldnt leave anything out in that I left some chocolates out in my room while I popped to tescos and my room was trashed when i got back! I was so mad! But yeah he was ok and not really hard work. I went into brighton a few times, did a bit more shopping (picked up the spiderman trilogy! and then watched it back to back! that was a good afternoon!) I also went to see Stardust....

I lvoed it. It was so sweet, and funny and quirky. Charlie was amazing and lived up to how much I had hyped him up(well thanks to ash!) was pretty funny hearing hte girls in the audience swoon over him but Im pretty glad they did, he was worth it. I loved the story, and the little quirky moments, tho I still dont get why Ricky D is so funny? he just winds me up. But everyone else was fantastic, I think Adam (adamandjoe adam) should have had a bigger part tho...hehe. I think I'm going ot go see it again next week with my mate from college!

I came up to London on Saturday after having the day with Vicky and Dan as they were up at Dan's families for the weekend, which was nice but a bit odd.

The film on saturday night was fab, a dark comedy from scandinavia, which I really enjoyed.
Yesterday was spent chilling out, having a really yummy dinner at the local thai and watching Half Nelson. Which I love!

Tongiht I'm off to see Bat for Lashes with Lottie, then its Rufus tomorrow! Yayay.

In other news, my Laytop as come so I'll be able ot set that up when I get home on wednesday! I cant wait to get home now tho Im looking forward to tomorrow night I'm kinda knackered and want to play on my laptop! hehe

Well I hope u guys are all well? I'll make my way threw what people have been saying on here later. xxxx

shopping, london film festival, london

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