Who knew my innerself was a bitch?

Oct 09, 2007 16:50

ARGH. i'M PMTing so bad today. My head is killing me and my moods are all over the place. And on top of that my computer has crashed twice today and Ive jsut said I'd look after Milli all day tomorrow.

Not sure why my computer just stopped earlier. It jsut did. Then it wouldn't load back up again. So I sat and watched a ep of One tree hill, cried, then turned it back on and so far its still working. I put all my animation stuff on to my pen drive thingy so its all saved off the computer. But hopefully it wont do it again. Who says computers don't have feelings. Computer I dont really want a laptop. (Im waiting now until after Ive got everything for the house, like a senceable girl.)

Yeah so sunday anna asked if I'd look after Milli for a bit cause she needed to work tomorrow to get some cash. So the way she put it I thought she just meant for the morning or a few hours in the afternoon, and I no shes going threw a tough time right now so I said yeah sure. But she jsut texted me and said could I be there at half 7 (in the morning) til half 5! Now I could hardly turn roudn and say no now could I? grhh. I don't mind doing it but I have all this animation to do by sunday! Plus what the hell am I meant to do for 9 hours with milli? I'm going to get so fustrated sitting around watching her! I'm so taking her into town or something.

Oh god Ive just remebered Vicky and Dan are coming over tonight. Ages ago vicky said she wanted mum to teach her a bit more french cause she has to teach her class some and mum had this plan to do a kinda french club in the village. Now she never really got it sorted but vicky has invited herself round to start it tonight and apparently Dan is coming too. Now we all no I love them but I'm sooooo not in the mood for them. I may hide up here claiming Im working!

Me and lottie came up with this fab plan last night for the gap in my animation, have the band flying around the sun (ok totally doesnt make sence without seeing it, but bare with me!) now I jsut cant get it to look not crap. GRRHH. I cant deside how to form it. ARGh I have so little yet so much to clear!

In good news I'm getting my Kenwood on thursday,  and Simon is coming over to plan where to put the electrics and such in my house! woo.
and also only 9 days until I go to brighton and 10 days until London! WOOO 

house, rant

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