drama I can do without.

Oct 05, 2007 18:01

So I'm on the way home last ngiht and Anna rings me. Her kinda step daughter was run over and would I stay at their house with Milli. She came and picked me up. Basically don't no who was at fault but the car had its wheel on the girls leg I guess until the ambulance or someone took it off. So the leg is ripped open and broken. I stayed at Anna's until Her and her Simon got back around 3 (I did watch Die hard that happened to be on. Im glad I think i would have gone mad otherwise) then Anna took me home. They've now gone up to some city to get the leg all stitched back together i guess.

It was really shocking I can tell u. I'd had such a day yesterday, headachy and keep missing busses, people etc. almost fell asleep round vickys before youth group after being out shopping with Michelle the afternoon. (bougth lovely brown skirt that makes me so thin and it was about 25 punds cheeper than first priced!) And I was kinda looking forward to crawlling up in my bed and watching some One tree hill season 3 I had got threw the post. But I jumped to Anna's help. Which of course u would. I cant believe how much it shock me and I dont really no the girl and have only really talked to her about twice! But u no. I feel for anna. Its going ot be tough what with her family and the girls other family.

Just wanted to get that off my chest. and say thanks so much to clare for my desperate texts yesterday after her crappy day! I hope ures wasnt so bad today my lovely! Only 2 weeks to go! YAY.

I'm stopping animating now and going to write them damn prompts
imogen_star_dom  sent me that have been working away in my brain!

Hope the rest of my flist are good? *huggles*  

anna, shock, muh

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