May 29, 2007 08:12
I love life lately. Hannah, Laura Jean, and myself took our first beach trip of the year this past saturday. It was a PERFECT beach day. I wish I lived by the ocean, being at the beach really lifts my spirits. Haha.
Saturday night we went to a show at the station, and on the way to Laura's afterwards, Hannah and I witnessed a car accident happening about 100 ft in front of us.
The driver, who I think was drunk, swerved into our lane and came toward my car head started swerving some more and drove into the ditch and crashed into a telephone pole. The power lines came down onto the road near my car and were flaming and sparking with blue-ish fire, and I had to throw my car in reverse so that we didn't get elecrocuted...I had to call the police, and then file a report about it because me and Hannah were the only people that witnessed the accident. Scariest night ever...
Sunday, Hannah and I went to pick up John and Tom in Lewiston, then we went to Biddeford to pahhhty with our favorites! =] It was extremely fun, and I wish I were in biddeford with everyone right now, instead of in stupid fairfield just livin' life.
Anywhom, I think I might go down to Lewiston to hang out with John and Kaili today!<3 This weekend was a blast. I look forward to doing it all over again next weekend. =]