seriously. not cool.

Oct 10, 2008 14:26

so i was under the impression that germany was totally awesome and i was never leaving...


laser tag is ILLEGAL here. WTF.

i was all pumped because the boys had off from school today and i am a 20 year old girl and i hardly get the opportunity to play laser tag even though i love it and i was like HAHA PERFECT. i can play under the guise i am being forced by little boys, which is entirely plausible. but then i asked them where a laser tag place was and they were like "what the heck is laser tag?!" and i was SHOCKED because 7-9 year old boys is THE laser tag demographic, but nope they've never heard of it. so i did some snooping and IT'S ILLEGAL HERE.


and of course after explaining the game to them they were like OMG YES LETS PLAY and now they are heartbroken.
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