Obama review

May 04, 2009 23:58

So far I like what Obama is doing, except with the economy.


1. Closing Guantanamo Bay and banning torture. Unfortunately, the damage done during the Bush regime (yes I call it that) probably already succeeded in converting neutral parties into enemies.

2. Suspending Bush's last-minute "midnight regulations." Such as allowing concealed carry of weapons in national parks, facilitating the construction of coal-fired power plants near national parks, and permitting health care providers to deny abortions and sterilizations based on their own beliefs.

3. Placing tighter restrictions on lobbying in the White House. This redirects the wasteful spending of lobbying to more productive activity.

4. Allowing stem cell research. Obama not only separates science from politics and religion but also gives hope for medical breakthroughs for several diseases.

5. Ordering a full review of U.S. detention policies and procedures. Investigating the Bush  administration's crimes is essential to law enforcement because those in authority cannot be allowed to act as though they are above the law. By restoring the Constitution, Obama is defending our rights as subjects of the government.

6. Rescinding the “Global Gag Rule.” This legislation denied funding family planning services overseas, which prevented the United States from funding contraception (which protects against pregnancies, diseases, and abortions) and abortions (I don't like it but it prevents the accidental deaths of women who would otherwise resort to unsafe, illegal abortions).


1. The bailouts. They reward bad management by handing out our money to the irresponsible companies to spend. They should've (and still should) let creative destruction run its course, aka let the companies file bankrupcy so better companies can buy them and restructure them to be more efficient and productive.

2. Raising tobacco tax. This was supposedly to discourage smokers but I consider that invasive. Adults have free choice and make their own decision to smoke. They don't need the government to punish them for what they do with their own lungs, or the government to judge their personal choices in the first place. The government isn't their mother or teacher or church.

3. Extension of welfare benefits. Helping low-income citizens climb out of poverty is good, but many welfare policies (including West Virginia's) actually discourage recipients from working. Instead of an extension, Obama should look into revising welfare policies.

And in other news... I am looking into law school for my graduate degee!

administration, belief, concealed carry, bailout, choice, law school, parks, management, barack, weapons, tobacco, sterilization, reward, global gag rule, morality, smoking, morals, overseas, funding, welfare, law, smokers, torture, health care, free, abortion, contraception, bankrupcy, bush, bankrupt, tax, cigarettes, aid, midnight regulations, conscience, gitmo, taxpayers, george bush, creative destruction, guantanamo, obama, power plant, foreign, coal, lobbying, stem cell research

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