it's been a while. lately, everything seems to just keep going downhill from the last sucky moment. it all actually started really swell. last week, we practiced our butts off for a show the following night. that same night, we saw driver friendly for the first time in a way long time. that was nice. i also saw a lot of old faces. i liked that.
the next night was our show. that was hella rad. thanks to all who came out. can't wait to do that again.
the week progresses, and i become more and more annoyed with klein collins being so damn cocky. it all just gets to the point where i don't wanna put up with it anymore and pound some faces. ugh.
so i'm at the game and i'm partly bummed that oak loses but more pissed at other things: ms. streit not letting me go over to oak's side during the game :' ( i had planned and gotten the 'ok' to go to bennigan's that night. but my mom's been a mega bitch lately. so she says i shouldn't go 'cause of curfew. i cooperate in silence. she's been on my case mega about school. yesterday, i get home, decide to check things on the computer. mom says to rest. i could see where she was going with that, so i rest kinda. head back to the computer a few minutes later. mom says to do chores. i'm flustered a bit at this point. do the chores and try once more. turns out it's time for dinner. keep in mind that by now, i had been at the computer for 10 minutes tops. dinner is over and i take a shower. my mom's on the phone and i take another gander at it. i get in some 20 minutes or so, and my mom starts bitching at me for being here too long. she threatens to move the computer to her room so she can monitor what i do. what a bitch.
also i've kind of been many, many mixed signals from many people. my theory is that there are a few chicks who might fancy me more than others. i know what you're thinking: what a P.I.M.P. but i could very well be wrong. and i don't want to mess anything up between any of them. and i can't drive so that just complicates things even more. ugh.
to top it all off, i never get to see much of anyone these days. everyone's off at oak, and i don't fancy dealing with all the not-cool people at collins.
the only things that i am optimistic about right now are the used concert, TBS, and the nintendo fusion tour.
and i know it's already in here but it'd be nice if you did
- What's your name and what is our relationship?
- How and where did we meet?
- What's my middle name?
- How long have you known me?
- Tell me one good thing about myself.
- When you first saw me, what was your impression?
- My age?
- My birthday?
- My favorite band at the moment?
- Color of my eyes?
- Do I have any siblings?
- Have you ever had a crush on me?
- What's one of my favorite things to do?
- Do you remember one of the first things i said to you?
- Describe me in three words.
- Name 5 things I love.
- Do you think I'm good looking?
- How would you describe me to someone else?
- Would you ever date me?
- Tell me one thing you have always wanted to say to me but never have.
- What do you like most about me?
- If we could spend a day together what would we do?
- Have we ever gotten in a fight?
- Do you think we will still be friends in 3 or 4 years?
- Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
- What do you think my weakness is?
- Do you think i'll get married?
- What makes me happy?
- What makes me sad?
- What reminds you of me?
- If you could give me anything what would it be?
- When was the last time you saw me?
- Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/ weaker/ or staying the same?
- Do you feel like you can talk to me about anything and that i would listen?
- No one seems to like this question.
- If i was and ice cream flavor what would i be and why?
- What song (if any) reminds you of me?
- If you could change one thing about me what would it be?
- Would you make a move on me?
- Do i cross your mind at least one time a day?