Empowerment is Time Consuming

Dec 09, 2015 20:30

After school today, Bella had a meeting of her Brownie troop. The most important order of business was talking about selling Girl Scout Cookies. Since Meg is an experienced cookie seller, she came to the meeting and talked with the younger girls about it. This resulted in a much longer meeting than if I, as the Troop Cookie Manager, had been running the meeting solo.

The length of the meeting was further increased by the fact that, in order to empower the girls, they voted on a number of items, including whether or not they wanted to do booth sales, what their goal for the money they earned would be, whether they would get sales incentives or would rather make more money per box, and which charity would be the recipient of any donated boxes. Some of the choices were done by voice vote, some by secret ballot, and because there are 6 girls in the troop, one decision came down to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors between their Troop Leader and their Troop Cookie Manager. In the end, things wound up pretty much the way I and their Troop Leader predicted they would.

nicky, meg, girl scouts

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