Jun 15, 2006 20:26
I had a busy morning today. When I got to the office, our receptionist wasn't there. I thought, Oh No! not another day at the front desk. Luckily her bus just broke down and she was only going to be about 10 minutes late. Thank goodness! I opened my e-mail and discovered I had to print out ten copies of a Powerpoint presentation for a 10:00 a.m. meeting. Our color printer is faster than a home printer, but it still takes awhile to print. The presentation was 27 pages. Then I had to bind the presentation. I also had to mail 55 letters that had enclosures. (Our mail gets picked up when its delivered--usually around 10:30 a.m. We don't have afternoon pickup). So I was running around like crazy trying to get that all accomplished, but I made it.
I then had to order supplies as we are having a new AA (administrative assistant) start on Monday. Cindy and I have been handing the AA duties for 13 years for 20 people. We get a new consultant a couple of months ago and she can't function without her own AA! I kind of pity her. This consultant looks to me like she can't do anything on her own. We'll see how it goes!
Things slowed down after lunch, so I had time to get filing done.
I had shrimp for supper. Mom doesn't like seafood, so she had some leftover meatloaf.
I'm getting ready to call Terry Wilacker to see how Maryanna is doing.