--"I know it's Copley Plaza but we were having a 3,000 calorie attack every half hour as close as this race is." --"Well, you know the old saying, Bob--Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek." --"Ohio now turns into a sauna for both of the candidates. All they can do is wait and sweat." --"It won't mean a thing if they don't get that swing." --"We're on these returns like white on rice." (He actually said this!) --"We had a slight hitch in our giddy-up there." --"[Florida is] hotter than a Times Square Rolex." --"Kerry can still win it but at this point he's got his back to the wall, his shirt-tail on fire and a bill collectors at the door." (Sorry, I exaggerated this one to you before.) --"In case you've been watching one of those other places that doesn't have as good of information, here's what's happening." --"We're keeping a yellow flag out. A yellow flag, even if it looks like one of the NASCAR cars." --"So in Colorado, Pete Coors gets a silver bullet right through his hopes." (There was vocal laughter in the studio after this line.) --"It's enough to give aspirin a headache." --"Folks, these are the kinds of nights that give campaign managers a case of the hives or something. One reason so many of them drink a lot . . ." --John Roberts: "It's like you say, Dan. You don't know whether to wind your watch or bark at the moon." --And apparently P. Diddy has been watching: on MTV he said "This race is tight as a frog's ass."
(About the Kerry campaign trying to retain composure in the face of overwhelming odds) "It's like a swan, who keeps every feather perfectly arranged, but those legs are kicking like crazy under the water."
--"I know it's Copley Plaza but we were having a 3,000 calorie attack every half hour as close as this race is."
--"Well, you know the old saying, Bob--Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek."
--"Ohio now turns into a sauna for both of the candidates. All they can do is wait and sweat."
--"It won't mean a thing if they don't get that swing."
--"We're on these returns like white on rice." (He actually said this!)
--"We had a slight hitch in our giddy-up there."
--"[Florida is] hotter than a Times Square Rolex."
--"Kerry can still win it but at this point he's got his back to the wall, his shirt-tail on fire and a bill collectors at the door." (Sorry, I exaggerated this one to you before.)
--"In case you've been watching one of those other places that doesn't have as good of information, here's what's happening."
--"We're keeping a yellow flag out. A yellow flag, even if it looks like one of the NASCAR cars."
--"So in Colorado, Pete Coors gets a silver bullet right through his hopes."
(There was vocal laughter in the studio after this line.)
--"It's enough to give aspirin a headache."
--"Folks, these are the kinds of nights that give campaign managers a case of the hives or something. One reason so many of them drink a lot . . ."
--John Roberts: "It's like you say, Dan. You don't know whether to wind your watch or bark at the moon."
--And apparently P. Diddy has been watching: on MTV he said "This race is tight as a frog's ass."
(About the Kerry campaign trying to retain composure in the face of overwhelming odds) "It's like a swan, who keeps every feather perfectly arranged, but those legs are kicking like crazy under the water."
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