Title: Downpour
Characters: Mohinder/Sylar
Rating: R
Word Count: 1843
Disclaimer: I don't own any aspect of Heroes or its characters
Spoilers/Warnings: spoilers for Season 2 and inspiration taken from the graphic novels, particularly "Quarantine."
Summary: In the virus future, Mohinder finds a cure while Sylar suffers from the disease.
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Some things that stuck out for me:
His voice was low and husky from disuse
I really liked this image. Even though you'd described the desolation and how alone Mohinder is, this was the line where that all hit home for me.
"No one's special anymore," Mohinder muttered. "Everyone's too busy dying."
I love bitter Mohinder. I love that Sylar still clings so desperately to a desire to be special, even on deaths door and Mohinder doesn't bother pandering to him.
"I couldn't imagine how I lived without them. Even now, I don't know what to do with myself every day, now that they're gone."
"Read a book," Mohinder suggested sarcastically. "I have a collection of cat stories I'd be glad to lend you, provided you leave me the hell alone."
Yeah, I lol'd. :D
Mohinder was only too glad to watch Sylar suffer. There was something vindicating in witnessing one responsible for so much death and destruction become something so weak and miserable.
I LOVE this. Too often, people write Mohinder as being a saint, willing to forgive *anything* (and I include myself in that, I'm totally guilty of it) so it's nice to see some good old fashioned spite from Mohinder in a fic. Plus, I think you wrote him very in keeping with S3 (not the crazy-eyed sex fiend part of his character, but the flawed, selfish part).
Great job! <3
I was actually having a really hard time writing Mohinder in this, and you really nailed the reason why. I think there's more canon evidence that he's more saintly than spiteful, but for the sake of the story I had to bend him a little without breaking him. If it hadn't been for aurilly, I don't know how he would have come across. Someone a lot meaner, probably.
On an unrelated note, I would totally love it if someone wrote a series of Sylar cat stories.
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