Title: Downpour
Characters: Mohinder/Sylar
Rating: R
Word Count: 1843
Disclaimer: I don't own any aspect of Heroes or its characters
Spoilers/Warnings: spoilers for Season 2 and inspiration taken from the graphic novels, particularly "Quarantine."
Summary: In the virus future, Mohinder finds a cure while Sylar suffers from the disease.
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The ending broke my heart. I really dug how Mohinder was weighing his options, because it's really fitting for him to do so; his practical side vs. his emotional side. And I was psyching myself out for him going to Sylar and telling him to come inside, but... but... No! It's so perfect, and depressing at the same time.
Favorite lines:
"No one's special anymore," Mohinder muttered. "Everyone's too busy dying."
"Read a book," Mohinder suggested sarcastically. "I have a collection of cat stories I'd be glad to lend you, provided you leave me the hell alone."
<3 the irony in the first line, and how snarky Mohinder is in the second. God, I want to hug him and tell him it'll all be okay, even though he's already fighting to make things right already. Fantastic job on this! *Adds to memories*
I'm so glad you liked it!
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