FIC: Lyle Bennet: Transdimensional Traveller! Chapter 4!

Apr 10, 2009 16:24

Title: Lyle Bennet: Transdimensional Traveller! Chapter 4!
Characters: Lyle Bennet et al (this chapter has Mohinder/Sylar, Mohinder/Elle, and Sylar/Elle)
Rating: G
Word Count: 1362
Disclaimer: I don't own any aspect of Heroes or its characters
Spoilers/Warnings: Extreme OOCness and ridiculous situations herein.
Summary: This absurdity defies adequate summarization. My apologies.
A/N: Unbeta'd, let me know if there are errors or if this is a little too cracky.

Chapter 4!

Lyle found himself suddenly in Mohinder's lab in New York. He blacked out and couldn't tell how he got there; somehow he'd travelled east across several time zones and it was still around the same time it was when they left Costa Verde.

But for Lyle, stranger things had happened. He decided to let this one slide. During the psychological evaluation, Lyle explained carefully to Mohinder what had happened, and Mohinder seemed to believe him. He even agreed to help Lyle find his way back home, claiming to know just the way to do it. He was also kind enough to make lunch, and as Lyle hadn't eaten an adequate breakfast, he vacuumed up his food in the way that teenage boys often do.

Mohinder stood across the table from Lyle, a syringe in one hand, a cup of chai in the other. "Now, Lyle, do you have any questions about anything?" Mohinder asked, taking a sip (from the chai, not the syringe).

Lyle briefly considered asking how Mohinder coordinated his travel arrangements, but he remembered his earlier resolution to let that one go. Instead, he stood up, holding his plate in one hand as he continued shoveling forkful after forkful. Taking in the scenery of the lab around him, Lyle's gaze fell on a framed photo sitting prominently on Mohinder's desk. In it, Mohinder had his arms wrapped around another man, both smiling widely, as though caught in the middle of laughing. But in spite of the subjects' apparent happiness, Lyle felt his stomach turn as he examined the picture more closey. "Is this... is this Sylar?"

"Oh, yes, that was when we backpacked through Europe together last summer. Isn't he a catch?"

Lyle struggled to swallow a mouthful of food before he choked. "Wait, are you... are you dating?"

Mohinder smiled as he set his chai down, walking over to Lyle and patting him on the shoulder. "He's my boyfriend," he explained. "We're actually quite committed to each other." Mohinder sighed contentedly as he lifted the photo up, gazing at Sylar's image with lust in his eyes.

Lyle tried to set down his plate, but in his clumsiness he knocked a few other items on the desk into disarray. He quickly tried to clean up his mess before a few Polaroids fell out of a folder he held. Mohinder reacted too slowly to stop him as Lyle bent over to pick them up from the floor.

Lyle held them in his hands, carefully turning them over and flipping through them as a horrified recognition came over his face. "Holy Robert Moses!" he declared. "It's that electric bitch! And you! In compromising positions! In flagrante!"

"Lyle, she's just... it's not what it looks like... we're just friends..." Mohinder stuttered, setting the framed photo down in order to snatch the pictures out of Lyle's hands. His breaths were shallow with panic as he asked "Can this stay between me and you? Neither of them need to know about the other, right? It would just be better for everyone. Ignorance is bliss, after all."

"Whatever," Lyle replied, rolling his eyes. He was already emotionally scarred enough as it was, thinking of his double trying to hit on Claire in his original universe; a few more colorful mental images weren't going to kill him. He would do his best to avoid Sylar and Elle anyway, as they were crazy enough already without throwing in the knowledge of being cheated on. He certainly wouldn't want to get caught in the crosshairs, between two of the most frightening, dangerous people he'd ever met.

He thought it prudent to change the subject back to the reason why he was there - Mohinder was supposed to help him return to his original universe, right? "So what are you giving me?" Lyle asked, gesturing to the syringe Mohinder still clutched in one hand.

"This is a formula I came up with. If you have a superpower already, it might help jump-start it. If you don't have a superpower, it might give you a new one. Of course, I haven't tested it yet, so it might not do either of those things."

"You haven't tested it yet?" Lyle halted, mouth agape. He crossed his arms protectively against whatever might come at him.

"Well, I tested a previous version on some mice."

"Did it give them superpowers?"

"No," Mohinder replied, shaking his head sadly. "They all died before I could determine whether it did or not."

Lyle wasn't the brightest student, but he was pretty sure of a cause-and-effect relationship when he saw one. "I don't want the injection, then, thank you," he said curtly.

"Oh, it's not an injection," Mohinder told him. "It's meant to be taken orally. I just put it in the syringe because it was easier to put on your food that way."

"You mean I've already..." Lyle gulped.

"Yes, Lyle, you've already ingested the formula. Now we just need to wait and see what happens!" said Mohinder cheerfully.

"Oh, no!" Lyle groaned, sinking into a seat at the table. He held is head in his hands, pressing his palms into his temples to try and relieve the headache he felt coming along. And then, just when Lyle thought it couldn't get any worse, it did.

A figure emerged from the bedroom doorway (because in this universe, Mohinder lived in his lab, Lyle determined) pulling a shirt over his head. He yawned as he ran a hand through his hair. "Oh, Mohinder, what a night!" he said. "I'm sorry I slept so late, but man..." As the shirt came down, Lyle finally caught a glimpse of his face - it was Sylar.

Just then there was a knock at the door, and Lyle couldn't get up and away fast enough to answer it. Unfortunately he regretted it as soon as he flung the door open.

"Oh, Mohinder, I need you right now," the blonde in the threshold moaned. "There's nothing sexier than a man in a lab. Take me, I'm yours!"

Lyle cringed, caught between a rock and a hard place. Mohinder froze where he was by the lab table, lip quivering with fear.

Elle and Sylar locked eyes for a moment, an expression of realization and recognition passing between them.

Sylar looked at her. "Elle," he said breathlessly. "It's certainly been a while."

"It certainly has," Elle agreed, her cheeks blushing prettily.

"Oh, Elle," Sylar said, stepping towards her as though pulled by a magnet.

"Oh, Sylar," Elle replied, her voice wistful as she, too, came closer.

"You can call me," Sylar said, pausing for dramatic effect, "Gabriel."

"Whatever rocks your socks," Elle told him, tilting her head back to invite a passionate kiss from him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. The passionate kiss was very passionate as they passionately kissed.

"Wow," Lyle said, taken aback. "That is a passionate kiss. This fic maybe should be rated PG, that's how passionate that kiss is." Lyle could tell there was definitely tongue.

Gabriel and Elle sighed as they unlocked their lips. Elle nuzzled her face into Gabriel's shoulders as Gabriel looked Mohinder square in the eye. "Goodbye, Mohinder. I'm a changed man now that I've found my true love once again. I'm leaving you."

"Me too," Elle purred happily.

"No, wait, guys!" Mohinder cried out, dropping the syringe to the floor. "You can't do this to me!"

"Later, Fight Club," Elle said, smiling sinisterly as she pointed her finger and zapped the scientist. Then she and Sylar or Gabriel or whatever his name is rode off romantically into the sunset together. Then they got married and had ninety babies.

Mohinder collapsed against the slate tabletop in tears as Lyle began to feel a little... funny. It felt like his body was splitting at its seams, like every particle of himself was being rearranged, like he'd been put through a blender several times on the "pulverize" setting. He wanted to vomit, he wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to lie down...

It was happening again. Lyle Bennet was transdimensionally traveling.

pairing: mohinder/sylar, lyle bennet: transdimensional traveler!, fanfiction, character: lyle bennet, i don't even know, character: mohinder suresh, rating: g, pairing: gabriel/elle, pairing: sylar/elle, character: elle bishop, pairing: mohinder/elle, character: sylar

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