Title-What would Addison do?
Summary-Because this is how Addison Forbes Montgomery really rolls.
A/N-It bugs me that Addison isn’t really in Callie’s life anymore. I know she lives in L.A. now private practice and blah blah blah, That’s not a good enough excuse for me. So I went back and thought of all the really important moments I feel Addison should have been apart of and re did them. I may have even made up a few of my own.
A/N- So we all know Addison was there for the whole help me get over the butterflies moment. So this picks up after that. First in line Arizona (that little minx) not wanting kids.
A/N 2-I started this back in March and have more than half typed up and ready to go in this series. If you guys like my little endeavor I may continue this into season 8!
“Come on pick up.” Callie whispered to herself.
Just as she was about to give up Callie heard a breathless hello from come from the other end of the line.
“No Callie, its Sarah Palin.” Addison smiled when Callie half laughed half snorted into the phone. “It took me a second to find my phone. That’s why it sounded like I had run a marathon when I picked up.” Callie laughed again at the thought of Addison running in a marathon…in heels no less.
“See I haven’t even told you why I have called and already I feel a little better.”
“what can I say live to serve, and the reason that you did call?” There was a few seconds of silence were Addison could almost feel the change in Callie.
“She doesn’t want kids.” Had Addison not been listening she would have missed the whispered words. Her heart went out to Callie as the words sunk in and what it meant for her friend.
“You mean Arizona the peads surgeon does not want kids?” Callie sighed in relief at the response.
“Thank God that I am not the only one that does not make sense to.” Addison waited patiently as another moment of silence passed.
“Addie what do I do.?” Addison’s heart sunk at the sound of Callie’s voice. She knew how much her friend wanted kids and how much she loved Arizona.
“Cal you know I can’t tell you that.” Addison and ran her hand over her face. It was just Callie’s luck.
“I don’t know Arizona all that well but I do know you. Do you really think you can give up the dream?” Callie’s voice cracked as she attempted to speak again.
“I don’t think I can but I love her so much.”
“I know you do but you have a decision to make cal.”
“If this ends badly you promise to talk me through the tears and send me ice cream?” Addison smiled and nodded even though her friend could not see it.
“If and only if it ends badly I promise to talk you down and send you all the Ben and Jerry’s you can eat.” Callie’s smile widened at the response.
“Thanks Addie. I have to go figure out what I am going to do now. Love you heart and …”
“Soul” Addison finished with a smile. “I am here whenever you need me.”
“Thanks. Addie” Callie answered as she ended the call. The next few days would decide her future and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to deal with the consequences.