So I went toa festival these past two days and i found a little stand that does spray paint shirts. I bought one and when my friend saw it when I went to her house she wanted one to. So today we go back to the same litlle stand and Lo and behold they had a Selena shirt that they didn't have the day before. I literally freaked out. I hero worship and adore Selena to the highest degree. She tops Sara Ramirez which is a BIG deal because I hero worship her to.
So of course I had to have the shirt because it's freaking Selena man! So I present you with a few pictures of me and my new Selena shirt :D
This is when they first handed me the shirt. Seriously I haven't been this happy or giddy in awhile. Hence the kid in the candy store look!
So then of course I had to put it on as soon as possible so i just threw it on over the shirt that i was wearing. I am pointing at my shirt because i just had to make sure that it was completly clear that it was Selena on my shirt lol
Then i had to take a picture of me and my friend with our new shirts. Because if it wasn't for her wanting a shirt I might not have gotten my Selena one. Honestly i could have kissed her with how excited I was but don't worry I kept my happy ass in check! Now i am pointing at my shirt because i think I am just in shock that i lucked into the shirt.
So in short today was a good day. I have pictures from the festival that i was at. If anyone wants to see them I'll gladly post them