hey ppl

Jul 21, 2005 14:49

okay so whats up pimps and pimpetts well im excited about bowlling tomoorow and then morgans bday party is going to be wicked im going to be something really stupide like like like like a redneck what i ma one already oh well but anyways i know oh i think i might ask out this koming year but it isnt you m.a.s. its jenny or megean but i dont know why well i really miss everyone from skool now and im ready to get back to skool almost !!! well i got my permit and ive been driving but it is so hard well not the driving part but the mom part im like going 25 in a 45 on SSC in she i s like slo down slow down it toook like 30 min to get home b/c i wasnt supposed to go over 20 lol lol lol lol well i dunno what else to say other then dont see fantastic four it blows and dont go out with sluts they loike to move to fast i had to break up with mine but you guys are awsome and stuff even when i get mad so body makes me laugh AHH foot ball this weak has been hard b/c its like 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000* wich is a li lhot and then im getting cramps from this special stuff i have t odrink to build muscle wich is wierd b/c craps hurt and muscles keep you from getting hert so wtf? oh and shelbi i aint mad no more and scarlett a well words dont describe how ugly you are My football number is 56 if you wanna watch me play come on monday nights there is a scudule on www.hooverbuc.com oh and you can watch the varsity play Neise outta florida on Agust the 27 at 11 on ESPN on and MTV is fimling our football team everyone else suck were #1 coai


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